
Desktop paint application

Primary LanguageJava

Java - Play


This is a fully functional desktop drawing application, which allows the user to draw any kind of graphical image and save it on the hard drive.

  1. DrawingPanel – represents the panel for drawing
  2. PaintToolPanel–contains tools used for drawing
  3. StrokeToolPanel–contains a JSlider used to set the width of the brush
  4. StrokePanel–shows the current brush width
  5. ColorPalette–contains 92 different colors the user can choose from
  6. ColorButton–represents the color button the use can click on to select that color
  7. ColorPanel–shows the current color and opens a JColorChooser for selecting additional colors
  8. MenuBar–represents the application’s menu bar with several different options
  9. ToolButton–represents the tool button the user can click on to select the desired tool for drawing

The sourcecode of the application consists of numerous classes and inner classes, as shown in the UML diagram below.

Source Code Overview

The Main class starts the application and creates a new instance of the PaintApplication class.

The PaintApplication class extends the JFrame class, and adds the named GUI classes to the main application window. In addition, the PaintApplication sets the starting color of the ColorPalette to black.

The DrawingPanelclass contains all the drawing logic, and communicates with the ToolFactory class to get the currently selected ToolButton(containing an instance of the Tool class) and draw a corresponding shape on the screen.

The ToolFactory creates a Toolclass instance, depending on the given parameter. It also provides eleven different Tool static variables, used to distinguish the Tool instances. The caller choses from one of those constant variables, and passes it to the ToolFactory’s createTool method. In response, the ToolFactory returns the corresponding instance of the Tool class.

The PaintToolPanel class creates instances of all the ToolButton classes, and adds them to the panel. In addition it adds a mouse listener to the colorPickerButton, so that the button opens a JColorChooser on mouse click.

The PaintToolPanel also contains a JComboBox and its action event, for choosing the type of drawing shapes. If the value of the combo box is set to 0 (empty), empty shape buttons are added to the panel and the corresponding Tool classes’instantiated. If the value of the combo box is set to 1 (filled), filled shape buttons are added to the panel, and the corresponding Tool classes’instantiated.

The ToolButton class extends JButton and implements ActionListener. Its constructor receives a Tool class instance which is passed to the DrawingPanel’s currentTool upon triggering the actionPerformed method (when the tool button is clicked).The ToolDetails class extends the Tool class and provides methods for customizing the color and the stroke of the brush.

The StrokeToolPanel class creates instances of the StrokePanel(used to display the current stroke) and JSlider(used to change the current stroke) classes, and adds them to the panel.

The Factory Method Pattern

The ToolFactory class implements the Factory Method pattern and provides a method for creating Tool class instances. It contains eleven static constant variables used by the caller of the factory method to provide the corresponding input parameter, and eleven instance variables used to keep the created Toolclass instances. The switch statement inside of the method uses the inputted parameter and checks if the corresponding instance is already created. If the object is null, it creates and returns the new instance.

Drawing an Image on the Screen

The DrawingPanel class extends the JPanel class and implements the MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interfaces. The class’ constructor customizes the panel’s appearance and creates a new instance of the PENCIL_TOOL Tool class (using the ToolFactory method) and the PENCIL_TOOL ToolDetailsclass, and assigns them to the currentTooland currentToolDetailsvariables. The drawGraphics()method is used to draw shapes in the graphics context. The Tool parameter determines which shape will be drawn, while the integer variables determine coordinates or corners of the shapes.

The mouse events are called when the user presses or moves the mouse inside of the panel. As an example, figure 6shows the source code of the mouseDragged method which is called whenever the user moves the mouse while the mouse button is down. If the useris drawing a curve (the PENCIL_TOOL, ERASER_TOOL, or AIR_BRUSH_TOOL is selected), the method draws a segment of the curve on the off-screen image, and repaints the part of the panel that contains the new line segment. Otherwise, if the user is drawing shapes, it calls repaint and lets the paintComponent()method draw the shape on top of the picture in the off-screen image.

Changing Brush Color

The application contains three classes that deal with changing the color of the brush.

  • The ToolFactory class provides a COLOR_PICKER_TOOL constant variable used to create a new instance of the Tool class, and open a JColorChooser on button click.
  • The ColorButton class represent the small color box located in the ColorPalette, and sets the color of the brush on button click
  • The ColorPalette class creates all the ColorButton instances with 92 different colors
  • The ColorPanel class represents the currently selected color, and opens a JColorChooser on mouse click

Changing Brush stroke

The StrokeToolPanel class uses the JSlider to set the stroke of the brush, and a JPanel (StrokePanel) to show the currently selected stroke.

Saving and Loading Images

The MenuBar class extends the JMenuBar and displays a menu on the top side of the application. It consists of threeJMenu classes: File, Viewand Help. The File JMenu contains New File, Open File, Save File and Exit application menu items, with corresponding ActionListeners. Figure 11shows the source code of the actionPerformed method, triggered when one of the menu items is clicked.

If the New file menu item is clicked, a new BufferedImage is created and passed to the DrawingPanel class’ setImage method (so that a blank image is displayed in the panel).

If the Save file menu item if clicked, a JFileChooser is shown to the user to select the desired location on the hard drive where the image will be saved.

Upon clicking OK on the File chooser, the DrawingPanel’s getScreenShot()method is called and the received image saved on the hard drive using the ImageIO.write()method.

If the Open file menu item is clicked, a JFileChooser is shown to the user to select the desire image. The selected image is passed to the DrawingPanel’s setOSImage()method, using the ImageIO.read()method.If the Help or About menu items are clicked, a JOptionPane containing explanation text is shown to the user.