
CLI tool built using Go to download images from a text file containing all the images addresses.

Primary LanguageGo

Image Download Util

CLI tool built using Go to download images from a .txt file containing all the images addresses.


To install, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ivanatias/imgdl.git
  • Navigate to the cloned directory: cd imgdl
  • Install the tool using Go: go install


You must install Go in your system. To install, follow the instructions on Go's website.


Once installed, you can use the tool as follows:

  • Unix-like systems: ./imgdl -from /path/to/text.txt
  • Windows: imgdl.exe -from C:\path\to\text.txt

Optionally, you can provide a path to indicate where all the images should be saved. By default, all images will be saved on a folder called imgdl on the current working directory from where the CLI has been executed.

Providing a path where images should be saved:

./imgdl -from /path/to/text.txt -to /path/where/images/are/saved

Note that while the to flag is optional, from is required.

You can run ./imgdl -help to see all available options.


Speed test

It takes an average time of 30-35 seconds to download and save 600 images. However, this time can vary based on various factors such as:

  • Network Speed: If the network speed is slow, it may take longer to download each image, resulting in increased overall download time.

  • Image Size: Larger images will take more time to download and save compared to smaller ones. Therefore, if the images being downloaded have varying sizes, the download time will vary accordingly.

  • Server Response Time: If the server from which the images are being downloaded has high response time, it can increase the overall download time.