
Small tool for automatic get roles and libs a-la-Gemfile

Primary LanguagePython


Small tool for automatic download roles and libs a-la-Gemfile


As many roles have changed their configurations among time, anyone would use a specific version of a role (for instance, a commit, or a branch, or a tag). Moreover, a complex playbook could need different versions from the same role. This app will download roles and modules (bundles, from now on) from their repositories before launching a playbook.


  • Ansible. Any version.
  • Git >= 1.8.5
  • Python 2 >= 2.6


The easy way: pip

sudo pip install ansible-bundle

The not-that-easy way: from code


ansible-bundle FILEYAML [ansible-playbook-options] [ansible-bundle-options]

ansible-bundle, along the ansible-playbook parameters, has also these:

  • --bundle-clean-roles Will clean roles and library directories before download (*)

  • --bundle-dry Shows what will be run (as it won't download anything, also won't search for dependencies)

  • --bundle-deps-only Don't run the playbook, just satisfies dependencies.

  • --bundle-disable-color Useful for non-interactive consoles

  • --bundle-workers concurrent connections when downloading/updating roles. Default: 1

  • --bundle-safe-update Don't clean existing roles. (*)

(*) If both bundle-clean-roles and bundle-safe-update are set, bundle-clean-roles will take effect.


ansible-bundle expects to find a [bundle] section into ansible.cfg, which may contain some of the command lines parameters:

  • workers

  • verbosity

  • safe

And the following extra options:

  • url: URL where the roles are located. For example, if role apache is in github.com/foo/roles/apache, the url should be set to github.com/foo/roles. Default is 'https://github.com'

bundle.cfg example


Unversioned bundles

This program will download from a GIT repository a branch (or tag). If no branch is set, will try to download master. But, in order to have an unversioned bundle living peacefully with a versioned bundle, those unversioned will be downloaded within their own directory. So, if you have (or need) unversioned bundles, add or modify this line to ansible.cfg, into defaults section:

  • Before:

      roles_path    = ./roles
  • After:

      roles_path    = ./roles/unversioned:./roles

Example of use

Given the following playbook (site.yml):

	- include: site-common.yml
	    - common

	- hosts: all
	    - postgresql/1.0
	    - { role: apache, version: '2.4' }

Running ansible-bundle site.yml will search roles into the site-common.yml file and download them. Also, will download role postgresql 1.0 and apache master.


David Pedersen (david.3pwood AT gmail DOT com)


GNU Public License v2 (GPLv2)