
Consul cluster on AWS with autoscaling

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Consul cluster on AWS with autoscaling

This repository includes assets referred to in the blog [Consul cluster in AWS with auto scaling] (https://limecodeblog.wordpress.com/2016/09/19/consul-cluster-in-aws-with-auto-scaling/)

You can deploy the stack either manually using the AWS console or by using the create-consul-stack script found in this repo.


To deploy the stack using the script you need run on Mac or Linux and have:

  • [AWS CLI] (https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) installed and configured
  • [jq] (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) installed
  • AWS permissions to create VPC, EC2, SNS and Lambda resources
  • An AWS S3 bucket. This will be used to upload the Cloudformation templates.
  • An AWS Key Pair. The Cloudformation template used in this post currently only supports deployment in the EU or US regions.

Create the stack

  1. Clone this GitHub repo.
git clone https://github.com/babtist/limestone-consul.git
  1. Run the script to create the Consul cluster. Replace <your_stack_name> with a name that choose for your stack. Replace <s3_bucket> with the name of your S3 bucket. Replace <key_pair_name> with the name of your EC2 Key Pair name. Replace <availability_zones> with a list of two availability zones to be used, e.g. eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b
cd limestone-consul/cloudformation
chmod 700 create-consul-stack
./create-consul-stack <your_stack_name> <s3_bucket> <key_pair_name> <availability_zones>


./create-consul-stack Consul MyConsulBucket mykeypair eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b

The scripts does the following:

  1. Zip the NodeJS code for the Lambda function
  2. Upload the Lambda zip file to S3
  3. Upload the Cloudformation templates for the VPC and Consul stacks to S3
  4. Creates the stack using AWS CLI
  5. Waits for the stack to be created. Go and grab a coffee, it will take some minutes to complete.
  6. Outputs the URL where the Consul GUI can be accessed. The user name for the Gonsul GUI is admin and the default password is conSuL@aws1.