
Hello world project to create a serverless telegram bot

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Serverless Telegram Bot

Hello world project to create a serverless telegram bot


  1. Telegram bot created via @BotFather
  2. Terraform downloaded and pre-requisites completed (you should be able to perform deployments to AWS via Terraform)
  3. Python3 installed


  1. Set the Terraform variables in terraform.tfvars

    chat_id        = "<YOUR_CHAT_ID>"
    telegram_token = "<YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN>"
    env            = "<YOUR_ENV>"
    region         = "<YOUR_REGION>"

      • Copy from @BotFather's message when you first create the bot

      • Add your bot to a group chat
      • Send /start in the chat
      • In your terminal, do
        curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN>/getUpdates
      • You should get a response like the following:
            "chat": {
                "id": 123456789,
                "title": "..."
      • Use id in chat as YOUR_CHAT_ID
    • YOUR_ENV

      • Set a name for your environment, else it will default to prod

      • Set an AWS region you wish to deploy in
  2. Run the following Terraform commands in your terminal, in the serverless-telegram-bot/terraform folder, to create the resources in AWS

    terraform init && terraform apply

    You should see the following output at the end

    Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    webhook = https://<SOME_ID_GIVEN_BY_AWS>.execute-api.<YOUR_REGION>.amazonaws.com/<YOUR_ENV>/telegram-bot
  3. Copy the webhook from the output in previous step and set up the Telegram bot's webhook

    • In your terminal, do
      curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"url": "https://<SOME_ID_GIVEN_BY_AWS>.execute-api.<YOUR_REGION>.amazonaws.com/<YOUR_ENV>/telegram-bot", "allowed_updates": ["message"]}' https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN>/setWebhook
  4. Add your commands for the bot via @BotFather and start sending messages in the group chat prefixed with those commands

    • Send /mybots to @BotFather
    • Click on your bot
    • Click on Edit Bot
    • Click on Edit Commands

Tearing down

  1. Run the following Terraform commands in your terminal, in the serverless-telegram-bot/terraform folder, to destroy the resources in AWS

    terraform destroy
  2. Delete the bot via @BotFather