Modelos de plantas favoritas para las abejas (bees)

Which plants are better for bees: native or non-native?

📖 Background

You work for the local government environment agency and have taken on a project about creating pollinator bee-friendly spaces. You can use both native and non-native plants to create these spaces and therefore need to ensure that you use the correct plants to optimize the environment for these bees.

The team has collected data on native and non-native plants and their effects on pollinator bees. Your task will be to analyze this data and provide recommendations on which plants create an optimized environment for pollinator bees.

💾 The Data

You have assembled information on the plants and bees research in a file called plants_and_bees.csv. Each row represents a sample that was taken from a patch of land where the plant species were being studied.

Column Description
sample_id The ID number of the sample taken.
species_num The number of different bee species in the sample.
date Date the sample was taken.
season Season during sample collection ("early.season" or "late.season").
site Name of collection site.
native_or_non Whether the sample was from a native or non-native plant.
sampling The sampling method.
plant_species The name of the plant species the sample was taken from. None indicates the sample was taken from the air.
time The time the sample was taken.
bee_species The bee species in the sample.
sex The gender of the bee species.
specialized_on The plant genus the bee species preferred.
parasitic Whether or not the bee is parasitic (0:no, 1:yes).
nesting The bees nesting method.
status The status of the bee species.
nonnative_bee Whether the bee species is native or not (0:no, 1:yes).

Source (data has been modified)