
A simple shopping cart application build with React ⚛ + MobX ♏ + Styled Component 💅 .

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React ⚛ + Styled Component 💅 Demo

A simple shopping cart application build with React ⚛ + MobX ♏ + Styled Component 💅 .


Run the development environment locally using Docker.

Install and start Docker via command line.

$ docker-machine start
$ eval $(docker-machine env)

Take note of the IP address which docker machine runs in (you'll need it later).

$ docker-machine ip

Checkout this project and start the Docker containers.

$ cd [project-name]
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

The project will run the following containers:

  • frontend: Runs a webpack dev server with hot-reload enabled

Note: During project startup, the frontend container may take awhile to initialise as it needs to compile the javascript bundle for the first time. To inspect the compilation process, use docker-compose logs -f frontend.

This will setup a development environment for the project locally. To view the project in the browser, you'll need the Docker IP and access it at port 3000, example http://[docker-machine-ip]:3000/.

To stop the project, use

$ docker-compose down


The challenge expects a simple shopping cart application base on a set of UI wireframes and mock data to be build using React. It also state that layouts should be preferably done using Flexbox and minimum 3rd party JS/CSS frameworks should be used.


This project is built using React with MobX to provide the backing store (state management). To take it one step further, I'm using Styled Components to:

  • Allow us to write CSS in a consistent and natural way
  • Play nice with existing CSS frameworks
  • Reusable & component based UI (like React)
  • Maintain sanity in styling management in a large application


CSS preprocessing engines like Sass transform CSS into a decent programming language with use of variables, mixins and extends. However, without best practises in place and discipline in execution, we often end up with exploding stylesheets that often goes out of control in a large project.

This problem is even more pronounce when multiple developers contribute to the code base overtime, where individuals are concern with concrete UI implementation rather that the CSS framework maintainability.

While CSS Modules attempt to bring some sanity to building component based UI, it only provides a way to localise style definitions but does not address the issue of maintainability.


CSS in a fairly large application can be categorised into the following:

  1. Grid system that defines the layout structure (rarely changes)
  2. Theme related styles that is used globally, e.g button or form input styles (rarely changes)
  3. Component styles that are specific to reusable components, e.g. Product Item display
  4. Concrete layout implementation styles, e.g how a particular div is position on a page

This project uses Bootstrap to provide a default responsive grid (1) and theme (2), as it is not the focus of this exercise.

It will leverage Styled Components to manage Component related styles (3) and layout implementations (4). (It intentionally avoids using Bootstraps col-* grid system but uses CSS flexbox to implement most of the layouts.)

Styled Components are CSS that compiles to a visual primitives (e.g. div, p) in React. It allows us to write CSS classes in React components, much like how React lets use write HTML tags in JSX.

import React from "react"
import styled from "styled-components"

const Container = styled.div`
  background-color: ${props => props.color || 'green'};
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  min-height: 300px;

const MyContainer = () {
  return <Container color="blue">
    <p>Styled Component Rocks!</p>

// Compiles to
<div class="dxLjPX">
  <p>Styled Component Rocks!</p>

Styled Components provides several advantages:

  • Ability to pass custom props or modifiers to the Styled Components (think variables in Sass)
  • Create multiple CSS class variants through scripting in JS (think mixins in Sass)
  • Extendable through subclassing (think extend in Sass)
  • Write in CSS, not inline styles style={{...}} in React components
  • Component based thinking, we don't worry about class name collision
  • Style definitions co-located with the UI component (not in a separate file). This is a huge win where we avoid the need to do remove component specific CSS from our style framework when it becomes obsolete

This allows us to develop faster and leverage the full power of JS to process CSS styles, while making sure they remain consistent, reusable and easy to maintain.

Please use issues for suggestions and bug reports.