We're proud to announce devon4ws, a programming language and online IDE for devonfw.
Why yet another language and IDE? Because most major Digital giants have launched their own languages and tool-chain:
- Oracle has Java
- Google has Go
- Apple has Swift and Objective C
- Microsoft created a whole set of languages, like C#, F#, Visual Basic etc.
- Facebook strongly supports OCaml and EcmaScript 2015+ (through Babel)
- AT&T is still a major supporter of C++
etc etc
So Capgemini, as one of the world's premier Consulting, Technology, Digital Transformation Services companies could not stay behind. So we have adopted a strong Industry Standard language and incorporated it in devonfw, the Open Source Standard Development Platform for Capgemini Europe and India.
In a console execute
git clone https://github.com/devonfw/devon4ws/
go to the devon4ws directory and execute
npm install
to install the dependencies and then start the online IDE with
npm test
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the online IDE.
- virtual machine,
- run-time optimizer,
- On-the-fly compilation,
- Local storage (browser) for programs (programs are never sent to the server),
- Assembly virtual machine and compiler ,
- Disassebler,
- Debugging source and assembly programs,
- syntax highlighting,
- Example programs (including a Brainf*** interpreter).
- Assembly macros,
- Assembly libraries:
- lib/alias.ws - Aliases for compatibility with other assemby implementations.
- lib/math.ws - Math functions (e.g. sqrt) .
- lib/rot13.ws - rot13.
- lib/std.ws - Includes all the libraries.
- lib/string.ws - Some useful string functions.
see readme-original.md for original work, copyright and attributions.