
devon4ws - a programming language and online IDE for devonfw

Primary LanguageJavaScript

devon4ws - a programming language and online IDE for devonfw

We're proud to announce devon4ws, a programming language and online IDE for devonfw.

devon4ws is Capgemini's own Enterprise ready, web scale, programming language, compiler, virtual machine and online IDE.

devon4ws IDE

Why yet another language and IDE? Because most major Digital giants have launched their own languages and tool-chain:

  • Oracle has Java
  • Google has Go
  • Apple has Swift and Objective C
  • Microsoft created a whole set of languages, like C#, F#, Visual Basic etc.
  • Facebook strongly supports OCaml and EcmaScript 2015+ (through Babel)
  • AT&T is still a major supporter of C++

etc etc

So Capgemini, as one of the world's premier Consulting, Technology, Digital Transformation Services companies could not stay behind. So we have adopted a strong Industry Standard language and incorporated it in devonfw, the Open Source Standard Development Platform for Capgemini Europe and India.

to get started

In a console execute

git clone https://github.com/devonfw/devon4ws/

go to the devon4ws directory and execute

npm install

to install the dependencies and then start the online IDE with

npm test

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the online IDE.

devon4ws features

  • virtual machine,
  • run-time optimizer,
  • On-the-fly compilation,
  • Local storage (browser) for programs (programs are never sent to the server),
  • Assembly virtual machine and compiler ,
  • Disassebler,
  • Debugging source and assembly programs,
  • syntax highlighting,
  • Example programs (including a Brainf*** interpreter).
  • Assembly macros,
  • Assembly libraries:
    • lib/alias.ws - Aliases for compatibility with other assemby implementations.
    • lib/math.ws - Math functions (e.g. sqrt) .
    • lib/rot13.ws - rot13.
    • lib/std.ws - Includes all the libraries.
    • lib/string.ws - Some useful string functions.

see readme-original.md for original work, copyright and attributions.