
Makes bumping your monorepos workspaces version a breeze 🌬️.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MIT License NPM Version

Makes bumping your monorepos workspaces version a breeze 🌬️.

It's mostly useful for those using Yarn Berry (v2/v3), but you can use it with npm, pnpm and Yarn Classic (v1).


  • prewersion & postwersion scripts
  • npm, pnpm, Yarn Classic (v1) & Yarn Berry (v2, v3) package managers
  • --dry-run CLI option


  • allowedBranches configuration key
  • Specified version support (i.e. wersion 1.2.3)



  • npm, pnpm or Yarn v1/v3
  • Setting the workspaces field in your package.json file (i.e. `"workspaces": ["packages/*"]``)

First Setup

First, install Wersion:

yarn add -DE wersion
# or
pnpm i -DE wersion
# or
npm i -DE wersion
# or
npm i -g wersion # to install it globally


Simply run:

yarn wersion <release>
# or
pnpm wersion <release>
# or
npx wersion <release>
# or
wersion <release> # if installed globally

<release> can be one of: "patch", "minor", "major", "prepatch", "preminor", "premajor" or "prewersion".

You can run it with --dry-run or -d to see what would happen without actually bumping your packages versions.

Pre & Post Scripts

In your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "prewersion": "echo \"The version will be bumped from v${PREVIOUS_VERSION} to v${NEXT_VERSION}.\"",
    "postwersion": "echo \"The version has been bumped from v${PREVIOUS_VERSION} to v${NEXT_VERSION}.\""