
The goal of this project is to implement an Automation Testing for a fake online REST API called ReqRes. We will use: Jenkins, Docker-in-Docker (dind), Postman API Client and Newman

Primary LanguageDockerfile


The goal of this project is to implement an Automation Testing for a fake online REST API called ReqRes. We will use:

  • Jenkins, a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software;
  • Docker-in-Docker (dind) to execute Docker commands inside Jenkins;
  • Postman API Client, for testing API calls;
  • Newman, a command-line collection runner for Postman.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On ivangfr.github.io, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.


Test Postman Collection in Host Machine

  • Open a terminal and make sure you are inside jenkins-dind-postman-newman root folder

  • Execute the following command. I will run Newman docker container using the Postman collection present in postman folder.

    docker run -t --rm --name newman -v $PWD/postman:/etc/newman \
      postman/newman:6.1.1-alpine run ReqRes.postman_collection.json --globals ReqRes.postman_globals.json

    In postman folder, there are two JSON files that configure some test cases and environment variables used to run them. You can edit them by using Postman.

    You should get as response:

    → Get List of Users
      GET https://reqres.in/api/users [200 OK, 1.92kB, 302ms]
      ✓  Status code is 200
      ✓  Content-Type is present
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
      ✓  Page Schema is valid
      ✓  Field values
    → Get Single User
      GET https://reqres.in/api/users/2 [200 OK, 1.22kB, 60ms]
      ✓  Status code is 200
      ✓  Content-Type is present
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
      ✓  User Schema is valid
      ✓  Field values
    → Get Nonexistent User
      GET https://reqres.in/api/users/20 [404 Not Found, 898B, 120ms]
      ✓  Status code is 404
      ✓  Content-Type is present
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
    → Post User
      POST https://reqres.in/api/users [201 Created, 929B, 117ms]
      ✓  Status code is 201
      ✓  Content-Type is present
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
      ✓  User Schema is valid
    → Put User
      PUT https://reqres.in/api/users/2 [200 OK, 970B, 117ms]
      ✓  Status code is 200
      ✓  Content-Type is present
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
      ✓  User Schema is valid
    → Delete User
      DELETE https://reqres.in/api/users/2 [204 No Content, 804B, 102ms]
      ✓  Status code is 204
      ✓  Response time is less than 1000ms
    │                         │           executed │            failed │
    │              iterations │                  1 │                 0 │
    │                requests │                  6 │                 0 │
    │            test-scripts │                 12 │                 0 │
    │      prerequest-scripts │                  6 │                 0 │
    │              assertions │                 23 │                 0 │
    │ total run duration: 1149ms                                       │
    │ total data received: 1.43kB (approx)                             │
    │ average response time: 136ms [min: 60ms, max: 302ms, s.d.: 76ms] │

Running Jenkins using Docker-in-Docker

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside jenkins-dind-postman-newman root folder

  • Run the command below

    docker compose up -d

    Note 1: A new image called jenkins-blueocean:2.440.2-jdk17 is build from the Jenkins base image jenkins/jenkins:2.440.2-jdk17. To rebuild this image you must use docker compose build or docker compose up --build

    Note 2: If you prefer to run jenkins-docker and jenkins Docker containers using docker run command instead, follow the steps described at jenkins.io website

  • Wait a bit so that jenkins container is Up (healthy). To check it run

    docker compose ps

Configuring Jenkins

  • In a terminal, get the Jenkins installation password by running the following command

    docker logs jenkins

    You should see something similar to the sample below, where the password is informed

    Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
    Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
    This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Access Jenkins at http://localhost:8080

  • Inform the installation password and click Continue

  • Select Install suggested plugins (default installation) and wait for it to complete

  • On the Create First Admin User screen, create an account informing username, password, etc. Then, click Save and Continue button

  • Keep the Jenkins URL as it's (it should be http://localhost:8080/), and click Save and Finish button

  • Jenkins is ready! Click Start using Jenkins

Configuring Automation Project in Jenkins

  • In the main Jenkins interface, click New item menu on the left

  • Enter a name, for instance, rest-api-automation-testing

  • Select Freestyle project and click OK button

  • In the next screen, go to Build Steps section. Click Add build step and select Execute shell

  • Set the content below to the Command field

    docker run --rm postman/newman:6.1.1-alpine \
    run "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivangfr/postman-newman-jenkins/master/postman/ReqRes.postman_collection.json" \
    --globals "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivangfr/postman-newman-jenkins/master/postman/ReqRes.postman_globals.json" \
    --disable-unicode --color off
  • Click Save button

  • Your Jenkins project is created. You should see something like


  • In order to run the project, click Build Now menu item on the left

    Note: The test cases are a bit strict. They require that the response time must be below 1000 ms. So, depending on how fast ReqRes online REST API replies to you request, maybe some test cases will fail and, consequently, the build will fail.

  • To see the execution results, click the red or green icons that appears inside Build History (section on the left) everytime you build the Jenkins project.



  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside jenkins-dind-postman-newman root folder

  • To stop and remove docker-compose containers, network and volumes run

    docker compose down -v


To remove the Docker image create by this project, go to a terminal and, jenkins-dind-postman-newman root folder, run the following script


How to keep this project updated

Check https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/installing/docker/