Jamf-Cheat Sheet

sudo is required to have full authorothy on running the commmand as root -verbose switch will show the command being run with the required Info

Help on jamf commands

jamf help

Checks for policies check-in

you will find the ID of the policy on the URL of it

jamf policy
jamf policy -id 25

Update the inventory

jamf recon

Checks for Jamf Version

jamf about

Install a package

jamf installs

Enrolls this machine

jamf enroll

Reboots the computer

jamf reboot

Uninstall the JAMF agent -- Quit the appplication first on processes

jamf –removeFramework

Removes the jamf MDM profile -- Quit the appplication first on processes

jamf removeMdmProfile

Collecting logs to check for JAMF

collect logs from these locations:


Checking on Processes on a MAC


or use Activity Monitor

# Connecting Jamf Pro with Intune Commercial , (THIS IS BEING DEPRECATED)

image if doing this the MDM managment will come from JAMF the only thing intune will recieve is the inventory and from there can create a Compliance.
Note: Company Portal needs to be deployed from JAMF -No Intune, If done directly then Intune will try to take Managment
More informaiton on Technical paper: