
AS3 framework for presentation sites

Primary LanguageActionScript

Framy Actionscript Framework

This is a general purpose actionscript 3 framework, with a main goal of simplifying the creation of presentation flash websites, and generally making my life easier in the process.

Other people’s work

Framy comes bundled with some other frameworks, which I don’t think any flash project can live without:

* Tweener – a very cool animation framework
* SWFAddress – deep linking in flash
* BulkLoader – a kick-ass loading framework- the way it should have been done by macromedia/adobe

(They are not placed in “vendors” directory as that that would make it harder to compile with osx tools)


I will add some documentation later, but the framework’s pitch is this:

* Provide a clear workflow for creating websites – The whole idea is first to create “non-animated” pages, and to add and modify animations later.
* Easy swfaddress integration – every page has an “url” parameter, so all deeplinking goodness comes for free
* Never think about resizing again – everything is auto managed
* External assets (images/xml) are a lot easier to work with thanks to BulkLoader integration
* Hashes – most of the convenience methods of ruby for actionscript Objects
* Simple grawl implementation for flash (skype-like notifications)
* Debug tools, symfony style

h2. What it is not

This is not another RIA framework, period. This is to make small/medium presentation websites, not huge interfaces – not that it’s undoable, but there are far better tools out there for that.