Aave Subgraph

This subgraph ingests and processes events from the Aave protocol and aTokens, providing real-time updates on user balances and snapshots at specific blocks.


This subgraph tracks the following events:

  • Borrow
  • Repay
  • Supply
  • Withdraw
  • LiquidationCall
  • ReserveDataUpdated
  • Transfer events for aUSDC, aUSDT, and aWETH

Token Addresses

The following tokens are tracked:

  • WETH: 0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1
  • USDC: 0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831
  • USDT: 0xFd086bC7CD5C481DCC9C85ebE478A1C0b69FCbb9

The aTokens are:

  • aWETH: 0xe50fA9b3c56FfB159cB0FCA61F5c9D750e8128c8
  • aUSDC: 0x625E7708f30cA75bfd92586e17077590C60eb4cD
  • aUSDT: 0x6ab707Aca953eDAeFBc4fD23bA73294241490620