Aave V3 Adapter

This project tracks the net supplied amount of ETH, USDC, and USDT for users on Aave V3 on the Arbitrum chain. It queries the subgraph and generates a CSV file with the following fields:

  1. block_number
  2. timestamp
  3. owner_address
  4. token_symbol
  5. token_address
  6. token_amount


Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • requests library
  • pandas library

Install the required Python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To retrieve all snapshots and save them to a CSV file, run the script without any arguments:

python src/adapter.py

or, alternatively

To retrieve snapshots for a specific block number, use the --block_number argumen

python src/adapter.py --block_number <BLOCK_NUMBER>

Directory Structure

├── output/
│ └── output.csv
├── src/
│ └── adapter.py
│ └── utils.py
├── requirements.txt
└── README.md

  • src/adapter.py: The main script that retrieves snapshot data from The Graph API and exports it to a CSV file.
  • src/utils.py: A utility module containing helper functions (e.g., from_timestamp).
  • output: A directory where the CSV file (output.csv) is saved.
  • README.md: The main readme file with instructions and information about the project.