I guess you are already using iTerm2. If you are not, start by installing it iterm2.com and use that instead of terminal.
Also another tool that we will need in the journey is homebrew (brew.sh). If you don't already have it, just install it by:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
after the installer is done, you need to execute a couple of lines to add it to your path (replace with your current username in the first one)
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/szigeti/.zprofile
eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"
The best CLI kubernetes explorer. Install it also with Homebrew:
brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
Documentation is here
A third tool to keep in consideration are Apple Xcode tools. Do:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install
...and accept the license pop-up.
Next thing to consider is the installation of a framework. Here we chose OhMyZsh. Execute the following:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Now let's add some customization to the prompt with powerlevel10k P10k. If you just run:
brew install powerlevel10k
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/share/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>~/.zshrc
... and then close the terminal window and open a new one, and follow the on screen menu for customizing the prompt to match your likes. It will be important later on, to show the cluster and namespace in which you are working. You can always use defaults if you don't have a personal preference on something. Usually first line is the typical choice.
Lets add some plugins to make typing easier. They are all here, but there is a minimum set recommended.
You can enable the ones you need by editing the ~/.zshrc
vim ~/.zshrc
Locate the plugin section, usually like this:
These are the ones I've enabled:
Most of them are already inside the plugin directory of your Oh-My-Zsh ($HOME/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/), but some of them need to be downloaded. I'll detail them bellow in a particular section for each.
Also, to make the autocompletion works correctly while using the Oh-My-Zsh framework, you need to add the following PATH modification before sourcing the Oh-My-Zsh, as per here
FPATH="$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions:${FPATH}"
As a reference, this is my full ~/.zshrc attached
Kubectl autocompletion. This plugin is already downloaded. You just need to enable it on the ~/.zshrc
It gives you a nice set of alias that you can use to shorten your calls to 'kubectl' commands:
Alias | Command |
kaf ... | -> kubectl apply -f ... |
kgpo | -> kubectl get pods |
... | |
all the available aliases are listed here |
You need to download this plugin and also declare it in the plugin section of the ~/.zshrc. Download it with:
git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
Declare the plugin on your ~./zshrc
and exec this also to download it:
git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Install this tool with homebrew:
brew install hidetatz/tap/kubecolor
and add this at the end of your .zshrc
# get zsh complete kubectl
source <(kubectl completion zsh)
alias kubectl=kubecolor
# make completion work with kubecolor
compdef kubecolor=kubectl
I have several alias in my ~/.zshrc that make my life easier:
Very useful tool, that allows you to jump directly into the directory of your project just using its name.
brew install autojump
That also install a wrapper j
, so I do very often things like 'j thisProject'
Good replacement for 'ls', you can see the alias in the previous picture in my ~/.zshrc. The tool can be found here, but you can install it directly with homebrew with:
brew install exa
See some examples of the use here. Actually when you add some alias, you don't have to do anything special for using it, it is called everytime you do an 'ls'
. These are my alias for it on my ~/.zshrc
la='exa -a --long --header --classify --icons --group-directories-first'
ll='exa --long --header --classify --icons --group-directories-first --no-permissions'
lp='exa --long --header --classify --icons --group-directories-first'
ls='exa -1 --classify --group-directories-first'
lt='exa --tree --long --header --classify --icons --group-directories-first --level=3'
t='exa --tree --header --classify --icons --group-directories-first --level=3'
These two alias can also be added to the ~/.zshrc
to allow easy change of cluster/namespace:
alias kx='f() { [ "$1" ] && kubectl config use-context $1 || kubectl config current-context ; } ; f'
alias kn='f() { [ "$1" ] && kubectl config set-context --current --namespace $1 || kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace | cut -d" " -f6 ; } ; f'
But you can also install 'kubectx' and 'kubens'
tools described here, which will do the same but also will display a list of the available choices for context and namespace:
brew install kubectx
sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh
vim ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim
set mouse=a