
Content migration library that allows you to dynamically create content migrations independent of the data structure.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Content migration library that allows you to dynamically create content migrations independent of the data structure.


This module can be easily installed by adding 10up/exodus to your composer.json file. Then, either autoload your Composer dependencies or manually include() the Exodus.php bootstrap file.

Exodus requires WP-CLI. Install it by following these instructions.

Currently the library only support json migrations but im planning on on creating parsers for sql and xml.

Creating a Migration Schema Files

wp exodus schema my_first_migration --type=json

Other available Configurations:

  • <name> The name of your migration
  • --type The type of migration. You can use json, sql or xml
  • [--post_types] Comma delimited list of the post types that will be imported. By default it will only do post
  • [--site] The id of the site you are migrating content to.
  • [--iterator] The nesting of where the post are in your import file
  • [--report] Name of the url parameter in your import file in order to export a csv of old to new urls
  • [--verify] Percent ( 1-100 ) of random post to verify that were imported successfully

Adding a Schema Map

Sample JSON import file

"timestamp": 1408464060,
"title": "Test title",
"body": "Body content",
"post_url": "http://test.com/test-title/",
"post_id": 1234,
"tags" : [ "Tag 1", "Tag 2"]
"timestamp": 1408677660,
"title": "Test title 2",
"body": "Body content 2",
"post_url": "http://test.com/test-title-2/",
"post_id": 1234,
"tags" : []

Sample Schema Map

Map::factory()->create( 'post', function ( $data ) {
	$data->post_title( 'title' );
	$data->post_content( 'body' );
	$data->post_date( 'timestamp' );
	$data->meta_data( 'post_url', 'post_url' );
	$data->meta_data( 'post_id', 'id' );
	$data->taxonomy( 'post_tag', 'tags' );
} );

Available Schema Commands:

$key stands for the key that the WordPress attribute represents in your content. For example in the JSON above the key for the post_content is "body".

$meta_key stands for the key the meta data will have in WordPress.

$taxonomy stands for the taxonomy label inside of WordPress.

Commands Description
$data->post_type( $key ); Map the post type attribute.
$data->post_title( $key ); Map the post title attribute.
$data->post_content( $key ); Map the post content attribute.
$data->post_author( $key ); Map the post author attribute.
$data->post_excerpt( $key ); Map the post excerpt.
$data->post_date( $key ); Map the post date.
$data->post_date_gmt( $key ); Map the post date GMT.
$data->meta_data( $meta_key, $key ); Map the meta data. One for each data set.
$data->taxonomy( $taxonomy, $key ); Map the taxonomy. One for each taxonomy.

Run a Migration

wp exodus migrate my-first-migration --file=test-migration.json

Available Configurations:

  • <migration> Name of the migration ( file name without .php )
  • --file Path to a valid file. Supported file formats are xml, sql, and json
  • [--force] Skip the check to see if post already exist