
An exercise

Primary LanguageHTML

Let's create our own jQuery. Let's call it CillasQuery.

We'll need something like this:


that returns every div element in the document. Over those elements, we'll be able to chain a series of functions to help with their manipulation.








.attr('src') returns src attribute.

.attr('src', 'https://carto.com') sets src attribute.

.css(rulename) returns element's css rule value.

.css(rulename, value) sets elements css rul value.

.text() returns element's text.

.text('some text) sets element's text.

.parent() returns the parent of the element.

.remove() remove the element from the document.



.create('div') creates a DIV element.

.on(eventName, eventHandler)

off(eventName, eventHandler)

These functions must be chainable.

cq('div') .find('a') .attr('src', 'https://carto.com') .on('click', onLinkClicked) .text('Go to CARTO');

Let's keep it simpler in a first round, having cq() to return only the first element that corresponds to the selector.