
A crud based on Java Server Pages to show basic interactions with Java web features and classes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A crud based on Java Server Pages to show basic interactions with Java web features and classes.

It is also the beginning of CH33TZ project taking shape.


Implicit objects on JSP

  • request --> HttpServletRequest
  • response --> HttpServletResponse
  • out --> PrintWriter
  • session --> HttpSession
  • application --> ServletContext
  • config --> ServletConfig
  • pageContext --> PageContext
  • page --> Object
  • exception --> Throwable

Production steps

Login/Register structure implmented. This includes:

  • Views for user interfaces in JSP.
  • Configuration of filters in web.xml file. LoginFilter and RegisterFilter (javax.servlet.Filters).
  • Implementation of logger actions.
  • Exception handling.
  • First security validation layer: JavaScript on the client.
  • Second security validation layer: Java filters.
  • Third security validation layer: Java scripts directly on JSP.
  • Fourth security validation layer: Triggers on database.

Inserting design on pages with CSS and HTML.


  1. Implement validation on register for unique usernames, email and phone. Done --> 5/12
  2. Connect previous through JavaScript. Cookies maybe. Done --> 5/12
  3. Show values introduced by user on forms when reloaded. Done --> 5/12
  4. Exception handling. Done --> 5/14
  5. Logger unification. Done --> 5/14
  6. Injections code. Done --> 5/14
  7. BouncyCastle AES encryption for passwords. Done --> 5/21


  1. Custom exceptions/Custom pages. PRIO: min
  2. Correct dangerous casts to Object. PRIO: min
  3. Main page HTML/CSS design for welcome page. PRIO: high
