
Modern Swift 4 Protocol-Based API Abstraction Layers Of Common Frameworks That Make Unit-Testing A First-Class Citizen.

Primary LanguageSwift


Envelope: A Modern Swift 4 Protocol-Based API Abstraction Layers Of Common Frameworks That Make Unit-Testing A First-Class Citizen.

Read the blog post introducing EnvelopeNetwork on Dev.to.


A network abstraction layer modelled after Alamofire, that provides the ability to write an isolated networking code, and provide strongly-typed mock responses in unit-tests.


RxSwift bindings for EnvelopeNetwork.


Common reusable utilities facilitating unit-testing.

Supported platforms

        iOS tvOS watchOS macOS
Swift 4 0.0.1 - - -



Roadmap for Envelope

  1. Add crossplatform support to the existing framework;
  2. Bring in abstractions over other libraries: UIKit/Appkit, Realm, ...