Applied Bayesian Inference

This is the repo in accordance with these three Medium articles:

  1. Applied Bayesian Inference with PyMC3 pt.1
  2. Applied Bayesian Inference with PyMC3 pt.2
  3. Applied Bayesian Inference with PyMC3 and Bambi pt.3

In part 1, I introduce modeling the conditional world via Python/PyMC3 from a contrived coin flip example. In part 2, I dive deeper into Bayesian Analysis with a dataset from Kaggle. StockX's 2019 Sneaker dataset can be found here: In part part 3, I take the skills learned so far to build ML models based on Bayesian estimation to predict streams for Spotify's Top 200 songs. The dataset can be found here:

Part 1 Contents:

  1. Thinking Bayes
  2. Probabalistic Programming

Part 2 Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Cleaning
  3. Modeling & Analysis
  4. Group Comparison
  5. Conclusion

Part 3 Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Cleaning
  3. The Simple Regression
  4. Robust Regression and Out-of-Sample Prediction
  5. Multiple, Hierarchical, and Generalized Linear Models
  6. Model Compare
  7. Conclusion