
My proposal for the project at the ConsenSys Developer Program 2018

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Attrition Reimagined


This project is a game resembling:

  • A classic game in behavioral Game Theory called "The War of Attrition"
  • And a current game called FOMO3D.

My game starts with a timer counting down from 5 minutes (TIME_CAP), while users are prompted to buy tickets to extend the time and also get a stake every time a ticket is bought by future players. ETH deposited in the smart contract in the form of a ticket purchase gets distributed in the round across players with dividends and different jackpots:

  • Dividend for players gets 50%
  • Jackpot gets 35%
  • Jackpot Runner-Up gets 7%
  • Jackpot Next Round gets 5%
  • The owner is also rewarded getting 3%
  • Hint: the owner can destroy the contract and exit with all the funds (including the modulus of the distribution ;))

The last player to buy a ticket before the timer hits zero gets the jackpot. This player is the winner.

The player purchasing a ticket after the winner is the runner-up. This player closes the round and opens a new one. This player gets rewarded with the Jackpot Runner-Up.

Each buy-in extends the clock for 5 minutes, with a cap of 5 minutes, too. But as we don't want to be tricked by miners, I have introduced a 30-seconds time window (TIME_WINDOW). No player can purchase a ticket while the TIME_WINDOW is active.

Players have the ability to buy in many times as they want but with different addresses.

At a difference of other games in the same style this is a fully transparent smart contract game. But it is still focused on the idea of the greed of individuals.

Setting up the project environment

Before starting, please install the following technical requirements:


Node.js 8.11.4 LTS and npm 5.6.0 (recommended for most of the users). To install Node.js follow the instructions here

If Node.js is installed in your system, please check the version in your terminal/shell:

$ node -v

You can also check the npm version in your terminal/shell:

$ npm -v


You can install Truffle framework by running the following command in your terminal/shell:

$ npm install -g truffle


You can install Ganache-cli by running the following command in your terminal/shell:

$ npm install -g ganache-cli

You can check ganache-cli version installed in your terminal/shell:

$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.1.8 (ganache-core: 2.2.1)


Once in the project folder, to compile please run the following command in the command line as root/administrator:

$ truffle compile


To migrate, please run the following command in the command line as root/administrator with ganache-cli opened:

$ truffle migrate


$ truffle migrate --reset


For testing, please run the following command in the command line as root/administrator with ganache-cli opened:

$ truffle test

Need help?

Do you need help evaluating the project? The following links will help you to find where are located the supporting files for grading:

  • design_pattern_decisions.md here
  • avoiding_common_attacks.md here
  • deployed_addresses.txt here
  • Information and comments on tests.md here
  • Information on circuit breaker on design_pattern_decisions.md here
  • Information and comments on library.md here

Please feel free to reach me by email at ivanmolto@gmail.com or via the course ryver platform @ivanmolto.

Thank you!!


Attrition Reimagined is Copyright (c) 2018 Ivan Molto Lopez Cepero. The content of this repository is licensed under a MIT License.