
Primary LanguageScalaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

BirdIO - A Twitter Futures Wrapper with Cats Effect ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Continuous Integration License

WARNING: This library is WIP.


BirdIO is a super cute wrapper around Twitter Futures that aims to provide a similar interface to the cats.effect.IO data type, enabling functional programming with asynchronous operations! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ This library allows you to work with asynchronous computations in a monadic style, making it easy to compose and chain operations like magic~


To use BirdIO, add the following dependency to your project:

libraryDependencies += "com.ivmoreau" %% "birdio" % "<tag | version>"


Creating BirdIO Instances

BirdIO instances can be created using various adorable methods:

  1. Delayed Evaluation
import com.ivmoreau.birdio.BirdIO

val delayedComputation: BirdIO[Int] = BirdIO.delay {
  // Your computation here
  1. Pure Value
val pureValue: BirdIO[String] = BirdIO.pure("Hello, world!")
  1. Asynchronous Computation with Twitter Futures
import com.twitter.util.Future

val twitterFuture: Future[Int] = Future {
  // Your asynchronous computation here

val birdIOFromTwitterFuture: BirdIO[Int] = BirdIO.unsafeFromXFuture(twitterFuture)

Chaining Operations

BirdIO supports typical monadic operations like map, flatMap, flatten, and others! Let's dance~ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

val result: BirdIO[Int] = for {
  a <- BirdIO.pure(10)
  b <- BirdIO.pure(20)
  c <- BirdIO.delay(a + b)
} yield c

Error Handling

BirdIO provides error handling capabilities using handleError and handleErrorWith! Don't worry, we gotchu (つ✧ω✧)つ

val computation: BirdIO[Int] = BirdIO.delay {
  // Some computation that might throw an exception

val handled: BirdIO[Int] = computation.handleError { error =>
  // Handle the error and provide a fallback value
  println(s"An error occurred: $error")

Asynchronous Operations

BirdIO allows you to work with asynchronous operations using async and deferred! Let's fly together (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

val asyncComputation: BirdIO[Int] = BirdIO.async { callback =>
  // Your asynchronous computation here
  // Call the callback with the result when done

val deferredValue: BirdIO[Int] = BirdIO.defer(BirdIO.delay {
  // Your deferred computation here


BirdIO comes with some utility methods to work with Ref, Deferred, and more! So helpful! (•ω•)∩╮

val refValue: BirdIO[Ref[BirdIO, Int]] = BirdIO.ref(10)

val deferredValue: BirdIO[Deferred[BirdIO, String]] = BirdIO.deferred

val uniqueToken: BirdIO[Unique.Token] = BirdIO.unique


BirdIO is licensed under MPL2. See the LICENSE file for more details. (◕‿◕✿)


Follow the Scala Code of Conduct, and license your work under the MPL 2.0. Contributions are always welcome, from documentation to testing to code changes. You don't need to open an issue first, but it might be a good idea to discuss your plans in case others (or I) are already working on it.