
Homework assignments from courses in mathematical optimization, MIPT, 2018-2019.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Homework assignments in mathematical optimization, MIPT, 2018-2019.

I consistently received the best score among fellow students throughout the course.


  1. Introduction. Convex sets and cones
  2. Matrix calculus
  3. Convex functions
  4. KKT optimality conditions
  5. Duality
  6. Midterm
  7. Introduction to numerical optimization and gradient descent
  8. Beyond gradient descent: heavy ball, conjugate gradient and fast gradient methods
  9. Stochastic first-order methods
  10. Newton and quasi-Newton methods
  11. Projected gradient method, Frank-Wolfe method and introduction to proximal methods
  12. Linear programming problem
  13. Semidefinite programming
  14. Interior point methods and concept of self-concordance functions