IMD1101 Machine Learning


  • Lesson 01
    • Outline & directions
  • Lesson 02
    • Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
    • Introduction to Numpy
    • Boolean Indexing with Numpy
    • Case Study: NYC Taxi-Airport data
  • Lesson 03
    • Fundamentals of Machine Learning
    • What is ML?
    • Types
    • Main challenges
    • Test & Validating
  • Lesson 04
    • Look at the big picture
    • Get the data
    • Discover and visualize the data to gain insights
    • Prepare the data for Machine Learning algorithms
    • Select a model and train it
    • Fine-tune your model
    • Present your solution
  • Lesson 07
    • Univariate and Multivariate KNN
    • Hyperparameter optimization
    • Cross-Validation
    • Pipeline & Gridsearch
  • Lesson 09
    • Linear regression
    • Case study: housing price prediction
    • Present the notion of a cost function
    • Introduce the gradient descent method for learning.
    • Refresher on linear algebra concepts.
  • Lesson 11
    • First competition
  • Lesson 13
    • Loglogistic regression
    • Classification
    • Binary Classification
    • Decision Boundary
    • Cost Function
    • Multiclass Classification
    • Regularization (L1, L2)
    • Hands on Scikit-Learn
  • Lesson 17
    • Introduction to Decision Tree
    • Converting categorical variables
    • Splitting Data
    • Decision Trees as flows of data
    • Entropy & Gini
    • Information gain
    • Applying Decision Trees
    • Overfitting problem
    • Case study: classification problem
  • Lesson 18
    • Hypothesis test
      • Significant test
      • Chi-squared test
    • Feature Selection for ML
      • Univariate selection
      • Recursive feature elimination
    • Pipelines
  • Lesson 19
    • Ensembles (introduction)
    • Voting classifiers
    • Bagging & Pasting
      • Random Forest
      • Feature Importante (XAI)
    • Case Study
  • Lesson 20
    • Ensembles (cont.)
    • Boosting
      • Adaboost
      • Gradient Boost
      • XGBoost
  • Lesson 21
    • Getting Started with Kaggle
    • Kaggle Workflow
  • Lesson 22
    • Clustering Basic
    • K-Means
    • Case study: senators votes, nba
  • Lesson 23
    • Representing neural network
    • Nonlinear activation functions
    • Hidden Layers
    • Case study: build a handwritten digit classifier