An Event Sourcing service template with DDD, TDD and SOLID. It has High Cohesion and Loose Coupling, it's a good start for your next Microservice application.
- aciechomskiPoland, Toruń
- basrach
- CanerPatirTrendyol
- deddu
- diogo24
- douglasoliveirabhBelo Horizonte - MG
- falsCoding First
- gabrielfac
- gabrielsimasSimasoft Holdings
- gkosciolek
- guidefreitasMakeX
- GuillaumeLebeau@AgileoAutomation
- hccnttViet Nam
- Ilchuk-Mihail
- ismaelgasparin@localiza-labs
- ivanpaulovich@lunarway
- jabulgareliRibeirão Preto, Brasil
- kaffeebrauerAustralia, Brisbane
- khushalpatel1981
- kordeviant
- kvnallenMercado Livre
- lulzzz
- mahfouzt
- matheusnederTOTVS S/A
- matrixdekoder
- mehdihadeli
- mikeandersunInternet
- mnowackiRuposoft
- Oucema90Turkey
- RajivhostFunctionalStack, Inc.
- sergiivolchkov
- Sklpcc@riqra
- tompie87
- torolecarteBrazil
- tthtun
- wesdoyle@PortalMedia