
audio-classifier is a Python/Tk tool for easier and visual tagging sections of audio tracks. It plays MP3 sounds and saves JSON data.

It is based on the simple Tk audio player from Sunbear:


  • tkinter - usually shipped with Python
  • mutagen - audio metadata extraction library - pip3 install mutagen


$ python3.6

JSON data will be saved to external file with the same filename as the source sound.


If you have a big number of audio files in a directory, it might be easier to merge all into single audiofile and work with it.

You can combine multiple mp3 files into one with mp3wrap. It is good for up to 255 files in directory:

$ sudo apt install mp3wrap
$ mp3wrap output.mp3 dir/*mp3

You can combine multiple mp3 files into one with sox

$ sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all
$ sox dir/*mp3 output.mp3

Combining files with ffmpeg:

$ find *.mp3 | sed 's:\ :\\ :g'| sed 's/^/file /' > fl.txt; ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i fl.txt -c copy output.mp3; rm fl.txt


ALSA error on seek (moving slider quickly) in long files:

ALSA lib pcm.c:8306:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred

Increase self.slider_update_threshold_ms. 40ms is enough for me. If you still get this error, increase this value.

Slider not responding correctly

Decrease self.slider_update_threshold_ms to get better response. Be careful, if you lower it too much, you might hit the problem above.
