
The R scripts contain the code to transform the variables, create tables and figures, do the bivariate analyses and the multinomial models of the manuscript: "Belief in God, Confidence in the Church and Secularization in Scandinavia". The data used to perform these analyses is publically available and can be downloaded from: https://www.gesis.org/en/issp/home

Primary LanguageR


The scripts contain the R code to transform the variables, create tables and figures, do the bivariate analyses and the multinomial models of the manuscript: "Belief in God, Confidence in the Church and Secularization in Scandinavia". Authors: Carlos Miguel Lemos and Ivan Puga-Gonzalez. Journal: Secularism and Nonreligion. The data used to perform these analyses is publically available and can be downloaded from: https://www.gesis.org/en/issp/home