

FriendFinder is a compatibility-based application, not unlike a dating app. This site will take in results from users' surveys - surveys which have been rigorously designed to ensure the perfect possible match - then compare their answers with those from other users. After running the responses through a set of specialized formulas, a propriety process we've coined as "magic hubabaloo", the app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match. You will be guaranteed to have the best match $0 can buy.

Tech Stack

FriendFinder is a full-stack app built with Express to handle routing, and it is hosted on Heroku so other users can fill it out.

Getting Started

  1. Head on over to

Using the App

  1. Make sure followed the instructions in the Getting Started section.
  2. Click on the Questions button.
  3. Fill out the questions to the best of your knowledge - go with your gut to ensure the best match!