Overview: Helpmandu is a service provider app that connects users with skilled professionals and service providers for various home improvement and maintenance tasks. This open-source project aims to simplify the process of finding and hiring reliable service providers, making it easier for users to get their household tasks done efficiently.

Key Features:

Browse Services: Users can explore a wide range of services offered by local professionals, including plumbing, painting, electrical work, home inspection, 2D & 3D design, and more. Book Consultations: Users can schedule consultations with service providers to discuss their specific needs and requirements. User Profiles: Service providers can create and manage their profiles, showcasing their expertise, contact information, and customer reviews. Account Management: Users can easily sign up, log in, and manage their accounts to access personalized services and track their bookings. Booking History: Users can view their past and upcoming bookings, allowing them to keep track of their service history. Ratings and Reviews: Customers can leave feedback and rate service providers based on their experiences, helping others make informed decisions. Privacy and Security: The app ensures data protection and privacy for users, complying with industry standards and regulations. Tech Stack:

Flutter: The app is developed using the Flutter framework, enabling cross-platform compatibility and a smooth user experience. Firebase: Firebase is integrated for user authentication, real-time database, and cloud storage to handle user data securely. Material Design: The app follows the Material Design guidelines, ensuring an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Out now on Google Play Store!