
install local user ansible via pip (deprecated)


Github Test Status Ansible Galaxy

This role will install ansible in a virtual environment under user home directory (as described in the installation guide), put links to ansible binaries in the ~/bin link directory and add this directory on path in the user profile.




Available variables are listed below, along with default values.

dev_ansible_dir: ~/.ansible/venv

Directory with ansible virtual environment

dev_ansible_link_dir: ~/bin

Directory to put links to ansible binaries

dev_ansible_update_bashrc: true

Allows to add link directory on the local profile

dev_ansible_python: python3

Python version to use for ansible: python or python3.

dev_ansible_apply_patches: true

This flag enables patching ansible, mitogen and molecule:

  • molecule patch adds support for MOLECULE_TARGET environment variable
  • ansible restconf patch fixes the "JSON object must be str" error on xenial
  • mitogen patch fixes the "pending work still existed after shutdown" warning on micro-servers


  • dev_ansible_install -- setup virtual environment and install ansible
  • dev_ansible_upgrade -- upgrade old ansible 2.8 pre-installed on vagrant
  • dev_ansible_patch -- apply patches to ansible, mitogen and molecule
  • dev_ansible_links -- create links to ansible binaries
  • dev_ansible_bashrc -- update path in the local profile
  • dev_ansible_syslog -- configure syslog for ansible and mitogen
  • dev_ansible_all -- all of above



Example Playbook

- hosts: vag2
    - role: ivansible.dev_ansible



Author Information

Created in 2018-2021 by IvanSible