- Angular 6
- NGRX Store
- NGRX Effects
- Material
- Animations
- Forms
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- Docker
To develop and build for prod you should use Docker (includes compose).
Install docker on Mac or Windows.
You should configure OAuth
- Register you Stack App
- You should copy
file fromserver/.env.example
- Replace environment variables
- Go to the next step below.
You won't be able run application until ENV configuration isn't created.
To run front, auth and api services just run docker-compose.
It will build containers and instantly run it.
docker-compose up
Navigate to http://localhost:3030/
and develop.
To re-build it just add --build
at the end of command.
You won't be able run application until ENV configuration isn't created.
Build and Run application
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up
There isn't message success after compose is done.
Navigate to http://localhost:8081/
To re-build it just add --build
at the end of command.
TagsPage transitions (animations)Accessibility- Profile
- Change password
- Change name