Example capacitor 5 + Ionic 6 project using the capacitor-meili
- Install Packages
npm install
- Copy Web Assets to Native Project:
ionic capacitor copy ios
- Update Capacitor Plugins:
ionic capacitor update
- Synchronize the Project:
npx cap sync ios
- Open the iOS Project in Xcode:
ionic capacitor open ios
- Verify Package ID:
In Xcode, navigate to the Project Navigator. Select the project root to open the project editor. Under the Identity section, verify that the Package ID matches the Bundle Identifier.
- Manage Signing:
In the same project editor, under the Signing & Capabilities section:
- Ensure Automatically manage signing is enabled.
- Select a Development Team. Xcode will attempt to automatically prepare provisioning and signing for the selected team.
- Select Target Device or Simulator:
In Xcode, select a target simulator or connected device from the device toolbar at the top of the Xcode window.
- Run the App:
Click the play button in Xcode to build and run the app on the selected simulator or device.
npm i
ionic capacitor copy ios
ionic capacitor update
npx cap sync ios
ionic capacitor open ios
- Ensure you have the latest version of Xcode installed.
- If you encounter any issues with signing, make sure your Apple Developer account is properly configured and connected.
- You may need to clean the build folder in Xcode if you encounter build errors (Product > Clean Build Folder).
Below are the list of dependencies. You can check your package versions by running npm ls --depth=0
from the root of the project
- @angular/animations: 14.3.0
- @angular/cdk: 14.2.7
- @angular/common: 14.3.0
- @angular/core: 14.3.0
- @angular/fire: 7.6.1
- @angular/forms: 14.3.0
- @angular/localize: 14.3.0
- @angular/material: 14.2.7
- @angular/platform-browser: 14.3.0
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 14.3.0
- @angular/router: 14.3.0
- @capacitor/app: 5.0.8
- @capacitor/core: 5.7.7
- @capacitor/haptics: 5.0.8
- @capacitor/ios: 5.7.7
- @capacitor/keyboard: 5.0.9
- @capacitor/status-bar: 5.0.8
- @ionic/angular: 6.7.5
- capacitor-meili: 0.0.1
- ionicons: 7.4.0
- rxjs: 6.6.7
- tslib: 2.6.3
- zone.js: 0.11.8
- @angular-devkit/architect: 0.1402.12
- @angular-devkit/build-angular: 14.2.13
- @angular-eslint/builder: 14.4.0
- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin: 14.4.0
- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template: 14.4.0
- @angular-eslint/schematics: 14.4.0
- @angular-eslint/template-parser: 14.4.0
- @angular/cli: 14.2.13
- @angular/compiler: 14.3.0
- @angular/compiler-cli: 14.3.0
- @angular/language-service: 14.3.0
- @capacitor/cli: 5.7.7
- @ionic/angular-toolkit: 2.3.3
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: 5.43.0
- @typescript-eslint/parser: 5.43.0
- eslint: 8.57.0
- eslint-plugin-import: 2.29.1
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc: 48.8.3
- eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow: 1.2.2
- jasmine-core: 3.8.0
- jasmine-spec-reporter: 5.0.2
- karma: 6.4.3
- karma-chrome-launcher: 3.2.0
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter: 3.0.3
- karma-jasmine: 4.0.2
- karma-jasmine-html-reporter: 1.7.0
- karma-mocha-reporter: 2.2.5
- @types/jasmine: 5.1.4
- typescript: 4.6.4