
Easily manage audio processing effects in your NGT applications

MIT LicenseMIT

Class: effect


The effect class provides a foundation for managing sound effects in a program. It serves as a base class for more specific sound effects, such as reverbs.


  • effect(string&in type)
    • Initializes the effect with a specified type.
  • effect()
    • Default constructor.


  • bool in_range(float value, float min, float max)
    • Checks if a value falls within a specified range (min to max, inclusive).
      • Remarks: Used internally to validate parameter values.
  • bool is_safe(sound@handle)
    • Checks if a sound handle is valid and active.
      • Remarks: Ensures that the sound handle is usable.
  • bool attach(sound@handle)
    • Attaches the effect to a sound handle, if safe, and configures the effect.
      • Remarks: Can be used to apply the effect to a regular sound object or a sound pool.
  • bool configure_effect(sound@handle)
    • Configures the effect for a given sound handle.
      • Remarks: Should be overridden by derived classes to implement specific effect configurations.


  • The effect class provides a foundation for implementing various sound effects.
  • This class can be used with regular sound objects or the sound pool.

Class: delay_node


The delay_node class represents a delay effect, which is an audio effect that repeats a sound after a certain amount of time, creating an echo-like effect. It inherits from the effect class.


  • delay_node(float dry, float wet, float decay)
    • Initializes the delay effect with specified parameters: dryness, wetness, and decay.
  • delay_node()
    • Default constructor. Initializes the delay effect with default parameter values.


  • bool set_dry(float value)
    • Sets the dry parameter of the delay effect.
  • bool set_wet(float value)
    • Sets the wet parameter of the delay effect.
  • bool set_decay(float value)
    • Sets the decay parameter of the delay effect.
  • bool config_from_preset(delay_node_preset@preset)
    • Configures the delay effect based on a preset.
  • bool configure_effect(sound@handle)
    • Configures the delay effect for a given sound handle.


  • The delay_node class provides functionality for managing delay effects in audio processing.
  • Parameter values should be in the range from 0.1 to 1.0.
  • This class can be used with regular sound objects or the sound pool.

Class: reverb


The reverb class represents a reverb effect, a type of audio effect commonly used in digital signal processing to simulate reverberation in an environment.

Inherits from

  • effect


  • reverb(float dry, float wet, float room_size, float damping, float mode)
    • Initializes the reverb effect with specified parameters (dry, wet, room_size, damping, mode). Each parameter should be in the range from 0.1 to 1.0.
  • reverb()
    • Default constructor.


  • bool set_dry(float value)
    • Sets the dry parameter of the reverb effect.
  • bool set_wet(float value)
    • Sets the wet parameter of the reverb effect.
  • bool set_room_size(float value)
    • Sets the room size parameter of the reverb effect.
  • bool set_damping(float value)
    • Sets the damping parameter of the reverb effect.
  • bool set_mode(float value)
    • Sets the mode parameter of the reverb effect.
  • bool config_from_preset(reverb_preset@preset)
    • Configures the reverb effect based on a preset.
  • bool configure_effect(sound@handle)
    • Configures the reverb effect for a given sound handle.


  • The reverb class represents a specific type of audio effect used to simulate reverberation.
  • It inherits from the effect class and provides methods to configure reverb parameters.
  • This class can be used with regular sound objects or the sound pool.

Class: effect_presets


The effect_presets class stores and manages presets for various sound effects.


  • effect_presets: A dictionary used to store effect presets.


  • effect_preset@find_effect_preset(const string&in name): Finds an effect preset by name.


  • This class allows for easy retrieval and management of effect presets.
  • Presets are stored based on their names and can be accessed using the find_effect_preset method.

Class: effect_preset


The effect_preset class represents a generic sound effect preset.


  • name: The name of the preset.
  • effect_type: The type of effect associated with the preset.


  • effect_preset(const string&in name, int effect_type): Initializes the effect preset with a name and effect type.


  • This class serves as a base class for more specific effect presets.
  • Effect presets can be of different types, such as reverb or delay.

Class: reverb_preset


The reverb_preset class represents a preset for a reverb effect.

Inherits from

  • effect_preset


  • dry: The dry parameter of the reverb effect.
  • wet: The wet parameter of the reverb effect.
  • room_size: The room size parameter of the reverb effect.
  • damping: The damping parameter of the reverb effect.
  • mode: The mode parameter of the reverb effect.


  • reverb_preset(string&in name, float dry, float wet, float room_size, float damping, float mode): Initializes the reverb preset with specified parameters.


  • This class represents a specific preset for a reverb effect.
  • It inherits properties and methods from the effect_preset class.

Class: delay_node_preset


The delay_node_preset class represents a preset for a delay effect.

Inherits from

  • effect_preset


  • dry: The dry parameter of the delay effect.
  • wet: The wet parameter of the delay effect.
  • decay: The decay parameter of the delay effect.


  • delay_node_preset(string&in name, float dry, float wet, float decay): Initializes the delay preset with specified parameters.


  • This class represents a specific preset for a delay effect.
  • It inherits properties and methods from the effect_preset class.