
Lynxmotion Phoenix code ported to Trossen PhantomX

Primary LanguageC++

Note:  Everything in this repository  is a Work In Progress (WIP), there are no 
warranties or guarantees of any kind.   Use at your own risk!  However I hope some 
of you have fun with it!

This folder contains the source code for Lynxmotion Phoenix code that has been adapted
to the Arbotix PhantomX robot sold by Trossen Robotics (http://www.trossenrobotics.com/c/phantomx-hexapod-kits.aspx)

The original Phoenix code was written by Jeroen Janssen [aka Xan] to run on the Lynxmotion Phoenix 
(http://www.lynxmotion.com/c-117-phoenix.aspx). It was originally written in Basic for the Basic Atom Pro 28
processor by Basic Micro.    The Lynxmotion Phoenix was based on the original Phoenix that 
was developed by Kåre Halvorsen (aka Zenta) and a lot of the software was based off of his earlier Excel 
spreadsheet (PEP).  More details up on his Project page (http://www.lynxmotion.com/images/html/proj098.htm).

I later ported the code to C/C++ and the Arduino environment and with the help of Kåre and Jeroen hopefully 
reduced the number of bugs I introduced as part of this port.   
With Kåre's and others help, I then ported this code to the PhantomX.  

There are lots of details up on the thread: http://forums.trossenrobotics.com/showthread.php?5429-Thinking-about-trying-out-a-different-Hex-robot...
I probably should create a new thread that summarizes all of the stuff in the thread above, so there is lots of stuff 

Hardware: PhantomX (either using AX-12A or AX-18 servos).  

We modified our legs some to allow for more movement. Zenta had some nice pictures showing this 

In addition we made the Phoenix so that it could walk either upside down or right side up.  
To do this we rotated the tibias 90 degrees so that at 0 the legs stick straight out.  
This is controlled in the code by the option (OPT_WALK_UPSIDE_DOWN).  As part of this option we 
needed a way to detect which way is up.  We used one of these: http://www.lynxmotion.com/p-606-lynxmotion-buffered-2g-accelerometer.aspx
More details up on this page of the thread: http://forums.trossenrobotics.com/showthread.php?5429-Thinking-about-trying-out-a-different-Hex-robot.../page18

Zenta has done a couple of different videos showing the PhantomX including:

We have code in place to try to detect when the battery voltage gets too low as to try to minimize 
the risk of damaging the battery.  There are a couple versions voltage detection in the code.  
The first version I tried was to ask one of the Servos for the voltage.  At times I found this 
unreliable and also slow as it required sending serial packets.   
Later I added an external voltage Resistor divider, that I am currently using a 20K and 4.66K resistor for.  
There are defines in the Hex_Cfg.h file that allow you to define which IO pin you wish to use(or not), by updating the 
define cVoltagePin.  Also it allows you to define which resistors you are using (CVADR1 CVADR2). I added this second method 
after I destroyed my first battery.  For a second level of testing I also added one of these: 

I like some form of visual or Audio feedback, when the robot is doing something.  So I added a speaker to my PhantomX. 
I am currently using one from Digikey(102-1155-ND), which I simply jamb the two connections into a Servo extension cable and
plug the other end into the Arbotix controller pin 1.  This is controlled by the definition of SOUND_PIN in Hex_Cfg.h  Normally
you should connect a speaker through some additional circuitry, as to not overload the IO pin on the processor, I have never had
a problem with this, however do this at your own risk. In the past I have also done this on other processors using a speaker from

Currently we have the PhantomX running using a few different Input controllers.  

The main one I have been playing with is a XBee DIY remote control that a few of us have.  
More details up on the thread: http://www.lynxmotion.net/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5447

I also have it working using the Input code for the Arbotix Robot Controller 2.  The code should work with the default
controller code, however I am running mine with my own updated version of the controller code.  This code can be found up on 
github\kurte\CommanderEx.  The top of the source file (Arbotix_Controller.cpp) describes how I am currently using the different 
buttons and joysticks for the different functions. 

We have also done some testing using a Lynxmotion PS2 controller (http://www.lynxmotion.com/p-552-ps2-robot-controller.aspx)

The Source File Hex_Cfg.h, is the main place that you need to go to change which controller to use and other options 
that the program uses. 

Again this is a WIP!
