
A simple attemt to make an accounting application for django. Ugly mix of Norwegian and English in variable names and comments. You can freely use this code for whatever purpuse you'd like, but I take no responsibility.

Primary LanguagePython

List of dependencies:
Installable using easy_install (or `pip install -r requirements.txt`):
django      # of course, it's a django app
openpyxl    # to enable Excel export
dropbox     # for dropbox upload and make security copies of files
matplotlib  # for making graphs
reportlab   # for generating PDF files 
MySQL-python# for mysql drivers
django-extensions # for JSONField

To install:
* copy local_settings.py.dist to local_settings.py and insert your local settings (Database, apiKeys...)

Then it should behave as a normal django app:)

To get running again on pythonAnywhere
 * Create a new virtual environment on python 2.7
 * Install dependencies there
 * (Pull the changes to `__init__.py` from this commit)
 * Select that virtual environment for the webapp