
Form worker

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Form initialization

import Formx from 'formx'

const form = new Formx({
  fields: {
    email: {
      validate: [ required, email ],
  initialValues: {
    email: 'test-email@test.com',

React example

import { Input } from 'formx/react/tags'

const handleSubmit = () => form.submit()

const Form = () => (
    <Input field={form.fields.email} />
    <button onClick={handleSubmit)>Submit</button>



opts: object

Your form options.

fields: object

Your form fields.

isValid: boolean

Keeps form validation state. Default is true.

isChanged: boolean

Tells if form has been changed. Default is false.


setInitialValues: (values: object) => void

Calls field.setInitialValue(value) for every form field.

setValues: (values: object) => void

Calls field.set(value) for every form field.

unsetValues: () => void

Calls field.unset() for every form field.

getValues: () => object

Returns current form field values.

getErrors: () => object

Returns current form field errors.

validate: async () => boolean

Fires form validation and returns resulted validation state.

submit: async () => object

Calls validate method and then if form passed the validation it returns getValues result. If not, it returns getErrors result.

on: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Subscribes handler to the event with certain eventName.

off: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Unsubscribes handler from the event with certain eventName.



const options = {
  validate: [ required, email ],
  value: 'test-email@test.com',

const emailField = new Field('email', options)

const passwordField = new Field('password', [ required ])

Your field options can be either object or array. If it's an array, it will be used as options.validate param.

options.validate: array

An array of your field validators.

options.value?: any

Your field initial value.

options.hasAsyncValidators?: boolean

Determines if your field has async validators. Default is false.


node: Node

Field's html node ref.

name: string

Field's name.

validators: array

Array of field's validators.

value: any

Field's value.

initialValue: any

Field's initial value.

error: string

Field's error.

isChanged: boolean

Determines whether field was changed. Default is false.

isValid: boolean

Determines whether field passed validation. Default is true.

cancelablePromise: Promise


hasAsyncValidators: boolean

Determines whether field has async validators. Default is false.

debounceValidate: Function



setInitialValue: (value: any) => void

Sets field's initial value.

setRef: (node: Node) => void

Sets field's node ref.

unsetRef: (node: Node) => void

Unsets field's node ref.

setInitialValue: (value: any) => void

Sets field's initial value.

handleBlur: () => void


set: (value: any) => void

Sets field's new value. New value is set when it is not equal to current value.

unset: () => void

Unsets field.

validate: async () => string

Fires field validation and returns validation error.

on: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Subscribes handler to the event with certain eventName.

off: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Unsubscribes handler from the event with certain eventName.



If you are using several forms and you need to control them in one place you can combine them using FormGroup

import Formx, { FormGroup } from 'formx'

const shippingAddressForm = new Formx({
  fields: {
    zip: [ required ],
    address: [ required ],
    city: [ required ],
    country: [ required ],

const creditCardForm = new Formx({
  fields: {
    cardNumber: [ required ],
    expDate: [ required ],
    cvv: [ required ],

const formGroup = new FormGroup({ shippingAddressForm, creditCardForm })


forms: object

An object containing forms instances.


replace: (forms: object) => void

Reinitialises your form group with new forms.

validate: () => boolean

Calls validate method for each form in form group and returns validation result. If one of the forms is not valid then the result is false, otherwise the result is true.

setValues: (values: object) => void

Calls setValues method for each form in form group if `values['yourFormName'] exists.

getValues: () => object

Calls getValues for each form and returns an object containing these values.

unsetValues: () => object

Calls unsetValues for each form.

submit: () => object

Calls validate method and then if forms passed the validation returns getValues result. If not, it returns getErrors result.

on: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Subscribes handler to the event with certain eventName.

off: (eventName: string, handler: Function) => void

Unsubscribes handler from the event with certain eventName.

To run examples

npx babel-node examples/validate-form.js


  • Pass initial values in options
  • Set initial values
  • Validate form
  • Validate one field
  • Group forms to one container (group)
  • Validate forms group
  • Async validation
  • Validate field on blur
  • Validate field on each change if it has been already validated
  • Validate field on each change if form was submitted
  • 'isChanged' on field, form, forms group
  • Get forms group state (values, isChanged, etc)
  • Set state to forms group
  • Reset form to default state, options, etc
  • Add option to setValues() to allow set values without validation each field
  • Checkbox and Radio support (boolean checked, value)
  • Memo for async validators (decorator)
  • Option for validation debounce timeout