
Example IVCAP service using the IVCAP SDK

Primary LanguageMakefile

IVCAP Demo Service

This directory implements a simple IVCAP service which creates an image with a customizable message as well as an optional background image, such as the following:

Usage: User Perspective

We assume that the service has already been deployed. To check that, we can use the ivcap cli tool.

% ivcap service list --filter "name~='hello-world-python'"
| ID | NAME               | ACCOUNT                        |
| @1 | hello-world-python | urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-... |

To get more information on the service itself:

% ivcap service get @1

          ID  urn:ivcap:service:8e048dfc- (@1)
        Name  hello-world-python
 Description  A simple IVCAP service using the IVCAP Service SDK to create an image with text overlays
  Account ID  urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-...
  Parameters  ┌────────────────┬────────────────────────────────┬──────────┬─────────┬──────────┐
              │ NAME           │ DESCRIPTION                    │ TYPE     │ DEFAULT │ OPTIONAL │
              │            msg │ Message to display.            │ string   │         │ false    │
              │ background-img │ Image artifact to use as backg │ artifact │         │ true     │
              │                │ round.                         │          │         │          │
              │          width │ Image width.                   │ int      │ 640     │ false    │
              │         height │ Image height.                  │ int      │ 480     │ false    │

We can now order an image by creating an order:

% ivcap order create -n "test image order #1" urn:ivcap:service:8e048dfc-... msg="Hello World"
Order 'urn:ivcap:order:503e98af-...' with status 'pending' submitted.

To check progress on this order:

% ivcap order get urn:ivcap:order:503e98af-...

         ID  urn:ivcap:order:503e98af-...
       Name  test image order #1
     Status  executing
    Ordered  4 minutes ago (26 May 23 09:58 AEST)
    Service  hello-world-python (@6)

Which should finally change to something like:

% ivcap order get urn:ivcap:order:503e98af-...

         ID  urn:ivcap:order:503e98af-...
       Name  test image order #1
     Status  succeeded
    Ordered  3 minutes ago (01 Jun 23 15:51 AEST)
    Service  simple-python-service (@5)
 Account ID  urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-...
 Parameters  ┌───────────────────────┐
             │    msg =  Hello World │
             │  width =  640         │
             │ height =  480         │
   Products  ┌────┬───────────┬────────────┐
             │ @1 │ image.png │ image/jpeg │

The service produces a an image (image.png) as product. Let's check out the image:

% ivcap artifact get @3

         ID  urn:ivcap:artifact:95339aa8-...
       Name  image.png
     Status  ready
       Size  11 kB
  Mime-type  image/jpeg
 Account ID  urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-...
   Metadata  ┌────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┐
             │ @1 │ ???                                      │
             │ @2 │ urn:ivcap:schema:artifact-usedBy-order.1 │
             │ @3 │ urn:ivcap:schema:artifact.1              │

To download the mage, use the artifact ID from the above image.png (ID urn:ivcap:artifact:1ea046c7-...):

% ivcap artifact download urn:ivcap:artifact:95339aa8-... -f /tmp/image.jpg
... downloading file 100% [==============================] (750 kB/s)

which may look like:

To create a new image with a background image (please note the leading urn: on the image url):

% ivcap order create -n "test image order #2" urn:ivcap:service:266cf1ad-... \
  msg="Hello World" \
Order 'urn:ivcap:order:663fa7e5-...' with status 'pending' submitted.

Following the above procedure to check on order progress, products (aka images) created and downloaded, we should see something like:

Build & Deployment

First, we need to setup a Python environment:

poetry install
poetry shell

To check if everything is properly installed, use the run target to execute the service locally:

% make run
mkdir -p ./DATA
python img_test_service.py \
          --msg "05/06-12:13:40" \
                --background-img https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/4482737.png \
                --ivcap:out-dir /Users/ott030/src/IVCAP/Services/ivcap-python-service-example/DATA
INFO 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 ivcap IVCAP Service 'simple-python-service' ?/? (sdk 0.1.0/#?) built on ?.
INFO 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 ivcap Starting order 'None' for service 'simple-python-service' on node 'None'
INFO 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 ivcap Starting service with 'ServiceArgs(msg='05/06-12:13:40', background_img=<ReadableFile ...>, width=640, height=480)'
INFO 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 service Loading font file '/Users/ott030/src/IVCAP/Services/ivcap-python-service-example/CaveatBrush-Regular.ttf'
INFO 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 ivcap Written artifact 'image.png' to './DATA/image.png'
DEBUG 2023-06-05T12:13:41+1000 ivcap Notify {
  "name": "image.png",
  "artID": "file://./DATA/image.png",
  "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
  "meta": {
    "msg": "05/06-12:13:40",
    "background_img": "https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/4482737.png (cached)",
    "width": 640,
    "height": 480,
    "$schema": "urn:example:schema:simple-python-service"
>>> Output should be in './DATA'

To build the docker container, publish it to the repository and register the service with the respective IVCAP deploymewnt.

make docker-build

make docker-publish

Submit the service description to an IVCAP cluster. This assumes that the ivcap-cli tool is installed and the user is properly logged into the respective service account.

make service-register

Please note the service ID (e.g. urn:ivcap:service:...) as we will need that when ordering this service.


This service is implemented in image_test_service.py and consists of the following parts:

  1. Service description
  2. Service entry point
  3. I/O
  4. Service registration

Service Description

The IVCAP SDK provides some convenience functions to describe the service and its parameters:

from ivcap_sdk_service import Service, Parameter, Option, Type, ServiceArgs

SERVICE = Service(
    name = "simple-python-service",
    description = "A simple IVCAP service using the IVCAP Service SDK to create an image with text overlays",
    parameters = [
            description='Message to display.'),

Service Entrypoint

This function is called with a Dict containing all the service parameter settings according to the above SERVICE declaration.

def service(args: ServiceArgs, svc_logger: logging):
    """Called after the service has started and all paramters have been parsed and validated

        args (ServiceArgs): A Dict where the key is one of the `Parameter` defined in the above `SERVICE`
        svc_logger (logging): Logger to use for reporting information on the progress of execution


One of the paramters is background-img, which is of type artifact and will therefore already been wrapped in an IOReadable instance which is a file-like object and can often be directly provided as argument to functions expecting such an instance:

from PIL import Image

  # Add background
  if args.background_img:
      bg = Image.open(args.background_img)

To publish a result (aka product), we call the deliver_data function. Before we do that, it is highly recommended to define metadata further describing the result. the create_metadata function is a convenience function to create a properly formatted metadata object. The first argument is the schema to be used (urn:example:schema:...), followed by an arbitrary list of named values.

The first parameter to the deliver_data function is a name useful for debugging. The second on is a lambda function called with a writable file descriptor to save the created image into (img.save(fd, format="png")). The third paramter is the above described metadata descriptor.

  meta = create_metadata('urn:example:schema:simple-python-service', **args._asdict())
  deliver_data("image.png", lambda fd: img.save(fd, format="png"), SupportedMimeTypes.JPEG, metadata=meta)

Service registration

Finally, we need to register the SERVICE description and the service(...) entry function with IVCAP providing the above describe SERVICE description as well as the service entry function.

register_service(SERVICE, service)

Testing & Troubleshooting

Please refer to the various run... targets in the Makefile