Simplify usage of YAML files for application configuration.
Inspired by Ruby Gem "config" But not all features implemented yet.
Installation: pip install app_settings
Create sample app with following structure:
settings.yml # at least one *.yml file required
/settings # use this only in case if you need different settings for your environments
-- singleton, so it is not possible to create more than one instance of config object.
By default, script will try to load all ./config/*.yml
and, if exist ./config/settings/${APP_ENV}*.yml
configuration files.
Take note, that all variables defined in ./config/*.yml
files will be overridden by variables from ./config/settings/${APP_ENV}.yml
Also, ./config/*.yml
loaded in alphabetical order, so if you will define variable VAR in additional_settings.yml
it will be redefined by VAR from settings.yml
If you have settings, which not depends on the environment, simply use ./config/{file name}.yml
; In case, when you need settings, which depends on the environment, use ./config/settings/{ENV}.yml
If your application use more than one environment, for example development
and production
, you can specify what config file to load by setting env variable
# before your application starts
# export APP_ENV='production' or APP_ENV='production' python
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings()
By default, if no APP_ENV
is given, file ./config/settings/development.yml
will be loaded, that's why this file is required.
Also it is possible to redefine name of variable.
# export TEST_ENV='production'
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(env_name='TEST_ENV')
You can redefine default environment value (development
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(default_env_value='autotest')
file ./config/settings/autotest.yml
will be loaded (if exist).
It is possible to redefine or set settings from environment variables. AppSettings will read all env variables with SETTINGS
prefix (by default).
# settings.yml
redefined: 'redefined'
not_redefined: 'not redefined'
# export SETTINGS__MY_VAR='test'
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings()
print(cfg.my_var) # 'test'
print(cfg.level1.redefined) # 'val'
print(cfg.level1.not_redefined) # 'not redefined'
You can setup your own prefix:
# export MYPREFIX__MY_VAR='test'
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(prefix='myprefix')
print(cfg.my_var) # 'test'
print(cfg.level1.redefined) # 'val'
Also it is possible to setup environment variable splitter (default: __
# export SETTINGS.MY_VAR='test'
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(splitter='.')
print(cfg.my_var) # 'test'
print(cfg.level1.redefined) # 'val'
If you don't need to set/redefine settings from environment variables, use use_env
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(use_env=False)
In case, if you don't want to receive KeyError exception if key not defined in file, you can use raise_error
flag. By default: True
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(raise_error=False)
key = cfg.this_value_not_exist # key == None
You can redefine default config path
from app_settings import AppSettings
cfg = AppSettings(configs_path='my_config_path')
cd app_settings
python -m pytest -v --alluredir=./tests/results -n auto --cov=app_settings --cov-config .coveragerc ./tests
Run these commands to create sample files structure
$ cd <your project dir>
$ mkdir -p config/settings && \
touch config/settings.yml && \
touch config/settings/{production.yml,testing.yml} && \
echo "implicity_wait: 5" > config/settings.yml && \
echo 'search_text: "production environment"' > config/settings/production.yml && \
echo 'search_text: "testing environment"' > config/settings/testing.yml
$ touch
Install all python requirements:
pip install selenium pytest app_settings
Copy code to
### Example, don't use it in your code
import os
os.environ['TEST_ENV'] = 'production'
### example
import pytest
from app_settings import AppSettings
from selenium import webdriver
def settings():
cfg = AppSettings(env_name='TEST_ENV')
return cfg
def browser(settings):
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
yield driver
def test_example(browser, settings):
search_field = browser.find_element_by_id('text')
search_field.send_keys(settings.search_text) # depending on env
search_button = browser.find_element_by_tag_name('button')
browser.find_elements_by_css_selector("div ul li")
- Add reload feature