
WhatsApp chat widget for your website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WhatsApp chat widget for your website

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Custom settings

What is this?

This is a very simple floating WhatsApp button widget. In the current situation with the pandemic 2020 events, most of the small businesses have to move to online presence. A wey to short the communication with your customers is using a widget like this.

It adds a floating-like button to your site that calls the WhatsApp Chat API.

It will automatically begin a WhatsApp chat to the number that you configure and with the text that the user writes.

All texts are fully customizable.


npm install --save react-whatsapp-widget


import React from 'react'

import WhatsAppWidget from 'react-whatsapp-widget'
import 'react-whatsapp-widget/dist/index.css'

const App = () => {
  return <WhatsAppWidget phoneNumber='XXXXXXXX' />

export default App

⚠️ Where the phoneNumber is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.

Example: 54222222 where 54 is the Argentina internacional code.


option value default description
phoneNumber string '' WhatsApp intenational number which will receive the message.
textReplyTime string 'Typically replies within a day'
message string 'Hello! 👋🏼 \n\nWhat can we do for you?' With \n you can create a break-line.
companyName string 'Support' Your company name?)
sendButton string Send Text inside the send button


MIT © ann0nip