
The engine that powers Enketo Smart Paper - Use it to develop your own enketo-powered app!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

enketo-core Build Status devDependency Status

The engine that powers Enketo Smart Paper and various third party tools.

This repo is meant to use as a building block for your own enketo-powered application or to add features that you'd like to see in enketo hosted on formhub.org and enketo.org

Follow the Enketo blog or Enketo on twitter to stay up to date.

Usage as a library

  1. Add as a git submodule (future: bower)
  2. Develop a way to perform an XSL Transformation on OpenRosa-flavoured XForms inside your app. The transformation will output an XML instance and a HTML form. See enketo-transformer for an example. For development purposes you may also use the free (and slow, not robust at all) API provided by Enketo LLC at http://xslt-dev.enketo.org/ (add ?xform=http://myforms.com/myform.xml to use API).
  3. Ignore (or copy parts of) Gruntfile.js, config.json and app.js and create your own app's build system instead
  4. Main methods illustrated in code below:
requirejs(['js/Form'], function (Form){

	// The XSL transformation result contains a HTML Form and XML instance.
	// These can be obtained dynamically on the client, or at the server/
	// In this example we assume the HTML was injected at the server and modelStr 
	// was injected as a global variable inside a <script> tag.

	// required string of the jquery selector of the HTML Form DOM element
	var formSelector = 'form.or:eq(0)';

	// required object containing data for the form
	var data = {
		// required string of the default instance defined in the XForm
		modelStr: globalXMLInstance,
		// optional string of an existing instance to be edited
		instanceStr: null,
		// optional boolean whether this instance has been unsubmitted so far
		unsubmitted: true,
		// optional array of objects containing {id: 'someInstanceId', xmlStr: '<root>external instance content</root>'}
		external = []

	// instantiate a form, with 2 parameters
	var form = new Form( formSelector, data);

	//initialize the form and capture any load errors
	var loadErrors = form.init();

	//submit button handler for validate button
    $( '#submit' ).on( 'click', function() {
        if ( !form.isValid() ) {
            alert( 'Form contains errors. Please see fields marked in red.' );
        } else {
            // Record is valid! 
            var record = form.getDataStr();

            // reset the form view

            // reinstantiate a new form with the default model 
            form = new Form( 'form.or:eq(0)', { modelStr: modelStr } );

            // do what you want with the record
    } );

How to run to develop on enketo-core

  1. install node, grunt-cli, and bower
  2. clone the repo
  3. get the submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive (run this again after pulling updates!)
  4. install most dependencies with npm install and bower install
  5. build and test with grunt
  6. start built-in server with grunt server
  7. browse to http://localhost:8080/forms/index.html

How to create or extend widgets

To create new widgets, I recommend using this plugin template. The option {touch: [boolean]}, is added automatically to all widgets to indicate whether the client is using a touchscreen device and whether the widgets are inside a newly cloned repeat.

Each widget needs to fulfill following requirements:

  • be an AMD-compliant jQuery plugin
  • it needs to return its own name
  • be in its own folder with a config.json file, including
    • selector: the selector of the elements to instantiate the widget on, or null if it needs to be applied globally
    • options: any default options to pass
    • stylesheet: path to stylesheet scss file relative to the widget's own folder
  • be responsive up to a minimum window width of 320px
  • use JSDoc style documentation for the purpose of passing the Google Closure Compiler without warnings and errors
  • if hiding the original input element, it needs to load the default value from that input element into the widget
  • if hiding the original input element, it needs to keep it synchronized and trigger a change event on the original whenever it updates
  • it is recommended to apply the widget css class to any new elements it adds to the DOM (but not to their children)
  • new input/select/textarea elements inside widgets need to get the ignore class
  • it requires the following methods (which can be automatically obtained by extending the Widget base class as demonstrated in the plugin template
    • destroy(element) to totally destroy widgets in repeat groups/questions when these groups/questions are cloned This may be an empty function if:
      • a deep $.clone(true, true) of the widget (incl data and eventhandlers) works without problems (problems are likely!)
    • enable() to enable the widget when a disabled ancestor gets enabled. This may be an empty function if that happens automatically.
    • disable() This may be an empty function if the widgets gets disabled automatically cross-browser when its branch becomes irrelevant.
    • update() to update the widget when called after the content used to instantiate it has changed (language or options). In its simplest form this could simply call destroy() and then re-initialize the widget, or be an empty function if language changes are handled automatically and it is not a <select> widget.
  • any eventhandlers added to the original input should be namespaced (if extending the Widget base class, the namespace is available as this.namespace)
  • if the widget needs tweaks or needs to be disabled for mobile (touchscreen) use, build this in. The option { touch: [boolean] } is passed to the plugin by default. If your widget requires tweaks for mobile, you could create an all-in-one widget using the options.touch check or you could create separate widgets for desktop and mobile (as done with select-desktop and select-mobile widgets)
  • allow clearing of the original input (i.e. setting value to '')
  • send a fakefocus and fakeblur event to the original input when the widget gets focus or looses it (see select-desktop)
  • please write Jasmine specs and a runner.html in the widget's /test folder.....(yeah, need to do that for the existing widgets too...)

Notes for All Developers

  • build with Grunt (using Compass for sass is also possible as long as config.json does not change)
  • use grunt watch to automatically compile (sass) when a source file changes
  • requires webserver - one is included in this repo and can be fired up with grunt server
  • adding the querystring touch=true and reducing the window size allows you to simulate mobile touchscreens

Notes for JavaScript Developers

  • The JS library uses Require.js
  • Will be moving back to Google Closure (Advanced Mode) in future (hence JSDoc comments should be maintained)
  • Still trying to find a JS Documentation system to use with grunt that likes Closure-style JSDoc
  • JavaScript style see JsBeautifier config file, the jsbeautifier check is added to the grunt test task. You can also manually run grunt jsbeautifier:fix to fix style issues (Note, I had to add "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true to the Sublime Text 2 user settings to make grunt jsbeautifier happy with the style produced by the ST2 JsFormat plugin.)
  • Testing is done with Jasmine and Karma (all: grunt karma, headless: grunt karma:headless, browsers: grunt karma:browsers)
  • When making a pull request, please add tests where relevant

Notes for CSS Developers

The core can be fairly easily extended with alternative themes. See the default and the formhub themes already included in /src/sass. We would be happy to discuss whether your contribution should be a part of the core, the default theme or be turned into a new theme.


I would like to acknowledge and thank the indirect contribution by the creators of the following excellent works that were used in the project:


The development of this app and enketo-core was sponsored by:

Related Projects

Change log

See change log

Performance (live)

See graphs