
Easier way to update enketo express locally

Enketo Local Update

Added this repo because I got tired of updating my local enketo-express repo manually ;-)

Getting started

  1. Install ansible

    NB: tested with ansible

  2. Create a new file called localhost in host_vars directory then copy the contents in default-localhost to the new file you have created.

  3. Update the following variables in the new file:

    • enketo_path <string> - path where you want enketo to reside
    • enketo_remote <string> - path to remote enketo repo
    • git_path <string> - your git path locally. I used which git from a mac
    • git_branch <string> - branch that should be updated
    • should_rebase <boolean> - rebase with latest tag branch or not
  4. Run ansible-playbook -i hosts -vvv main.yaml