
Go program that fetches an org's repos from GitHub and grabs name, archived status and URL.

Primary LanguageGo


Go program that fetches an org's repos from GitHub and grabs name, archived status and URL.

Installation and use

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone github.com/ivermoka/github-org-fetcher
  2. Navigate to the Repository:

     cd github-org-fetcher
  3. Generate and copy GitHub API authentication token (in settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens -> Token (classic)). Select the options shown on the image below: Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 19 25 06

    Scroll down and select "Generate token". Click copy.

  4. Run program (add your own org in )

    go build -o github-org-fetcher github-org-fetcher.go && ./github-org-fetcher -a <token> <org>

A reposities.json file should now have appeared, containing info on the different org repos.

PS: using this program with a large org may result in long load time.