
Admin Dashboard built using Flutter Web

Primary LanguageDart

Admin Material for Flutter Web.


This project was generated with Flutter Web.


This project contains most of the common widgets which are used by Flutter.

  • Row/Column
  • Tables
  • Cards
  • Custom Scroll View

  • Forms

  • Hero Animations
  • Linear Gradient

  • Api calls using http (Top 10 trending github repositories) in a tabular view.

How to start


  1. Your Flutter version needs to be 1.5.4 and higher
  2. Version 3.0 of the Flutter plugin

In order to run this project:

  1. Clone the flutter web repository. https://github.com/flutter/flutter_web
  2. Add $HOME/.pub-cache/bin as path.
  3. Now activate webdev for that run this command
$ flutter packages pub global activate webdev
  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run
$ pub get
$ webdev serve --auto restart

Further help

To get more help on the Flutter Web, check out the Flutter Web.