The holy grail - substitute teacher for everyone

This is a program that takes a video and converts it into an audio file, then from the audio file converts into a script with full punctuation. It can also use machine learning to convert hand-written notes and printed notes to digital text. From then you have the choice of generating a quiz using an AI-assisted algorithm, getting extra material to consolidate your knowledge and also a self-checking feature to get answers for the generated quiz. You can also output an audio file of the lecture comprised of the most important information for better memorization. All of that is done within a simple and intuitive UI, with our cute mascot Etika-sensei changing expressions depending on how well you did on her quizzes (sensei means teacher).

To run the program, run gui.py


Use pip to install the necessary dependancies pip install nltk moviepy SpeechRecognition pydub rake Pillow rake-nltk pytesseract wikipedia gTTS PySimpleGUI