in the folder called frontend, you will find the files to put in a anvil frontend. We need to use a anvil frontend because we have done most of our development in Google Colab and anvil had a convenient API that allows us to connect a google Colab runtime directly to their frontend, acting as a fully python frontend which is also automatically generated by anvil.

each of the "pages" in our slide is in a different form folder. we also have a custom javascript section in the server side to be able to handle audio while bypassing the paid features of anvil and a database with tables

This repo also contains all the imagenet synsets names which are important for the ML model to work, since they do not directly return a humanly readable string. We import this git into our colab backend so that the ML model can access those txt

The anvil app can be accessed here from most browsers:

The colab backend is here: (view only with api keys removed)

note that you will need to get your own api keys for each of the ones we've used

Thanks for checking out our project!

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