
A vim config that helps me

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Configurations

This is a basic vim and neovim configurations. At this stage of vim, you would need tern server for better Javascript completions. This repository is a still on its way to become mature but please feel free to use it.


Vim Vim Vim Vim


# Create neovim config folder if not already present
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim

# Create a common vimslug folder for vim and neovim
mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle/vundle

# Let's backup the configurations
for i in ~/.vim ~/.vimrc ~/.gvimrc ~/.config/nvim; do [ -e $i ] && mv $i $i.old; done

# Lets clone this repo
git clone git://github.com/ivikash/dotvim.git ~/.vim

# Copy to vimconfig file
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

# Copy the config to neovim -- Optional
# cp ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/vundle

vim +'PluginInstall!' +qall
# nvim +'PluginInstall!' +qall -- Optional

Note :

  • In case you are getting errors from Rainbow Parenthesis then disable it from the .vimrc before PluginInstall and re-enable it
  • Please ensure YouCompleteMe is installed and running.
  • Please feel free to report bugs and issues.