I made some changes based on the repository below, and made these models support python 3.6 and pytorch 1.2.
These models are used as benchmarks in my paper
Some key changes:
Only train the model on train data and only evaluate it on test data
The previous implementation evaluated the model based on all data (train+test), which is hardly right in any situation. And makes the resutls look much better!!
Make the model a pure imputation model
Set lose weight to imputation loss=1, classification loss=0
Support Python 3.6
Limited by the model's design (input dim == output dim), in order to impute only one variable in the TS data, I can only input TS with 1 dim.
There are two branches in this repository: newmodel and oldmodel
- Newmodel: based on imputation here: https://github.com/caow13/BRITS
- Oldmodel: based on imputation here: https://github.com/NIPS-BRITS/BRITS/tree/master/models
To use these models, need to generate datasets with proper structures first
Will put this piece of code later.
It is a pytorch implemention of paper "BRITS: Bidirectional Recurrent Imputation for Time Series, Wei Cao, Dong Wang, Jian Li, Hao Zhou, Lei Li Yitan Li. (NerIPS 2018)". The paper can be found here. http://papers.nips.cc/paper/7911-brits-bidirectional-recurrent-imputation-for-time-series
To train the BRIST model, first please unzip the PhysioNet data into raw folder, including the label file Outcomes-a.txt.
To run the model:
- make a empty folder named json, and run inpute_process.py.
- run different models:
- e.g., RITS_I: python main.py --model rits_i --epochs 1000 --batch_size 64 --impute_weight 0.3 --label_weight 1.0 --hid_size 108
- for most cases, using impute_weight=0.3 and label_weight=1.0 lead to a good performance. Also adjust hid_size to control the number of parameters