
Collection of components for driving WS2812B RGB LED strips over networks.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Lux ❤️💚💙

Lux is a collection of components for driving WS2812B RGB LED strips over networks.

Software Components

  • luxsrv - Lua program for the NodeMCU ESP8266 devkit that listens for network packets describing the color setup and driving the WS2812B LED strip;
  • luxaudio - Go program that captures audio, does spectral analysis on it, and sends a spectrum visualization to the strip over the network;
  • luxfx - TypeScript application with a few predefined effects. It can work either with a locally-connected strip (connected to the same device running the program), or following the protocol to drive network-attached strips.



Network Protocol

The luxsrv component listens for UDP packets on port 42170.

Generic Packet Structure

UDP packets that luxsrv understands have the following generic structure:

|    2    |       1     |        N       |
|  Header | Effect Mode | Effect Payload |
| x4C x58 |    x00-01   |       ...      |

Raw Mode (0x00)

In raw mode, clients send the number of LED pixels to drive (up to 255), followed by a sequence of GRB components giving the color for each of the pixels.

|    2    |       1     |        1        |              (PixelCount * 3)           | 
|  Header |   Raw Mode  | LED Pixel Count |                 GRB data                |
| x4C x58 |      x00    |      x00-FF     | px0g, px0r, px0b, px1g, px1r, px1b, ... |

For example, to light up the 1st pixel in red, the 2nd one in green, and the 3rd in blue:

    0x4C, 0x58,        // header 
    0x00,              // mode = raw
    0x03,              // pixel count = 3 
    0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,  // 1st pixel GRB color = 0x00FF00 (red)
    0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,  // 2nd pixel GRB color = 0xFF0000 (green)
    0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,  // 3rd pixel GRB color = 0x0000FF (blue)

Hardware Components