
Server for managing Artifact-Based Rendering states

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ABR Server

THIS REPOSITORY IS ARCHIVED and no longer maintained. The ABR Server core code is now maintained inside the ABREngine-UnityPackage.


To get started with development, first make sure you have the pipenv package. This enables all developers of the server to share the same Python configuration for this app. Essentially, the Pipenv contains a "local" copy of each dependency that's unique to this project to reduce the chance of conflicting dependencies with your system Python installation. Check out the pipenv project for more information. If you're on Windows, replace python3 with py.

All these commands are tested with Python 3.8; they are NOT guaranteed to work with other versions of Python.

python3 pip install --user pipenv

Then, install the local dependencies:

python3 -m pipenv install

Then, to begin development, "activate" the Pipenv by entering a shell:

python3 -m pipenv shell

From here, you should have access to all the dependencies of the project.

Building the executable version

The ABR server can also be built to an executable for easy distribution.

First, you need the pyinstaller package:

python3 -m pip install pyinstaller

Restart your terminal to make sure pyinstaller ends up on your PATH.

Then, to build the executable, run the following command:

pyinstaller  --name="abr-server" --hidden-import="compose" --hidden-import="compose.urls" --hidden-import="api" --hidden-import="api.urls" --hidden-import="abr_server.routing" --add-data="templates:templates" --add-data="static:static" manage.py

this will output an executable (for the OS/architecture that you run pyinstaller on) to the folder ./dist/abr-server. You can zip this up, etc. for distribution.

Old news below here, probably delete

This is the main server component of the ABR architecture.

The four-component ABR Architecture, including Design User Interfaces, Server, Graphics Engines, and Data Hosts.

What is the server?

The server acts as an intermediary between the rest of the architecture, and stores the current version of the visualization state. The visualization state is described by a formal json schema, and is validated against the schema each time it is updated.

The server is a Python Django server. By default, it runs in debug mode which is fine for self-contained apps, but should we want to deploy to a proper server (e.g. https://sculptingvis.tacc.utexas.edu), nginx has been briefly tested for such a purpose (see abr_server_nginx.conf and uwsgi_params.)

Check out CONTRIBUTING.md if you want to make changes to the server.

Installation and setup

  1. The abr_server depends on the abr_data_format - the custom preprocessed geometric representation that ABR uses. Please follow the instructions in that repository for installing the abr_data_format Python package.
  2. Install the dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup the static files: python manage.py collectstatic

Run the server

The server can be run local-only (on localhost:8000 by default):

python manage.py runserver

The server can also be broadcast to other devices:

python manage.py runserver

To enable live-reloading (automatically refresh browser when a file is changed), run:

python manage.py livereload

Docker VisManager Build Instructions


You do NOT need a Docker Hub account to build the docker image locally, but if you intend to deploy to the web for broad use (e.g. in class) then you DO need one. Go to hub.docker.com and create a personal account. or create one to share.

Then, sign into Docker Desktop with your new Docker Hub account (upper right > Sign In).

Note: in the instructions below, replace all instances of bridgerherman with your docker hub ID.

Building the image

To build the Docker image for release, use the following steps.

  1. Ensure Docker is running
  2. Run the following command in this folder (root abr_server folder) (replace bridgerherman with your docker hub user id and replace v1.0.2 with your version):
docker build -t bridgerherman/sculpting-vis-app:v1.0.2 .
  1. Test and update the docker install scripts in the installers folder. At a minimum, run, for example:
docker create --name "sculpting-vis-app" -p 8000:8000 -v "./media:/media" bridgerherman/sculpting-vis-app:v1.0.2
  1. When you're ready and confident all works as expected, push to Docker Hub so it's accessible to others:
docker push bridgerherman/sculpting-vis-app:v1.0.2

Windows Embedded VisManager build instructions

Install and Configure Embedded Python

  1. Make a folder somewhere called VisManager-WindowsEmbedded
  2. Make a subfolder of that folder called python38.
  3. Download a version of the Python embeddable release. Python 3.8 is recommended:
  4. In the file python38/python38._pth, ensure the import site is uncommented, the file should look like this (without this, PIP won't install correctly):

# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
import site

Copy ABR Server files

  1. Copy the entire abr_server folder (THIS folder - copy from one level up) and paste it into the VisManager-WindowsEmbedded folder.

Create the Installation and Run scripts

  1. In the VisManager-WindowsEmbedded folder, create a file called InstallVisManager.bat and paste the following contents into it:
set this_dir=%~dp0
set python="%this_dir%\python38\python.exe"
set PYTHONPATH="%PYTHONPATH%;%this_dir%\python38\Lib;%this_dir%\python38\Lib\site-packages"

cd abr_server

curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
%python% get-pip.py

%python% -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. In the VisManager-WindowsEmbedded folder, create a file called RunVisManager.bat and paste the following contents into it:
set this_dir=%~dp0
set python="%this_dir%\python38\python.exe"
set PYTHONPATH="%PYTHONPATH%;%this_dir%\python38\Lib;%this_dir%\python38\Lib\site-packages"

cd abr_server

%python% manage.py collectstatic --noinput
%python% manage.py migrate

%python% manage.py runserver --noreload

TODO: the above instructions don't seem to work, I'm not sure how I actually *got this to work in Spring 2022. Stuck on the RunVisManager.bat script. *python manage.py collectstatic doesn't recognize collectstatic as a *command.