
Primary LanguagePython


The strategy of dotfiles management I use is described here (inspired by this hn post).

In short, all you need to start using these dotfiles is:

git clone --bare --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ivladak/.dotfiles.git
alias config='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git --work-tree=$HOME'
config checkout
config submodule update --init --recursive --remote # a hack: `checkout --recurse-submodules' should work, but doesn't seem to


  • fix emacsclient stuff and mb start the daemon in xinitrc
  • [bash]: ^C -> save the command in history with prepended '#'
  • rcre should be able to reload bashrc for all tmux sessions
  • non-renamed (e.g. "1","2",...) tmux session killer mb reap once an hour all detached non-renamed sections which have been inactive for a while